
12 Typical Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

7. Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

Cleveland Clinic

Anxiety is usually linked to sleep issues. Excessive stress and dread make it difficult to fall and keep asleep during the night. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate anxiety, triggering a vicious cycle of insomnia and anxiety problems. Anxiety disorders are the most frequent mental health issue in the United States, and lack of sleep is known to have far-reaching negative consequences for general health. As a result, comprehending and resolving the connections between anxiety and sleep might be critical to physical and emotional well-being. Anxiety’s actual etiology is unknown. In truth, studies believe that there is no one reason, but rather a combination of factors such as a person’s genetics, family history, and exposure to bad life experiences. Anxiety symptoms might be exacerbated by certain medical conditions and medications. Anxiety’s actual etiology is unknown. In truth, studies believe that there is no one reason, but rather a combination of factors such as a person’s genetics, family history, and exposure to bad life experiences. Anxiety symptoms might be exacerbated by certain medical conditions and medications.

Insomnia and other serious sleep problems have long been known as a prevalent sign of anxiety disorders. Worrying people frequently ruminate about their worries in bed, and this anxiety might prevent them from falling asleep. In fact, a condition of mental hyperarousal, often accompanied by concern, has been identified as a major contributor to insomnia. People who suffer from anxiety disorders have increased sleep reactivity, which means they are considerably more prone to experience sleeping issues while under stress. Sleeping problems have been observed in patients suffering from anxiety disorders such as GAD, OCD, and PTSD. In various studies, more than 90% of persons with PTSD related to military combat experienced sleeplessness symptoms. Distress about falling asleep can exacerbate things by causing sleep anxiety, which promotes a person’s sensation of dread and obsession. These unpleasant feelings about going to bed, which are a sort of anticipatory anxiety, can disrupt good sleep cycles and habits.