
12 Typical Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

10. Have a hard time swallowing

Calm Clinic

Phagophobia, or the dread of swallowing, is an uncommon form of phobia. It is also mistaken with pseudodysphagia (the fear of choking). The main distinction is that those with phagophobia are terrified of swallowing, whereas people with pseudodysphagia are afraid of choking. Both anxieties are commonly mistaken with medical illnesses such as dysphagia and odynophagia, which are caused by a physiological issue that makes swallowing difficult or painful.
Phagophobia can induce a variety of symptoms, the most prominent of which is a strong aversion or avoidance of swallowing meals, liquids, or medicines. If left untreated, phagophobia can be harmful since people with this illness may stop eating and drinking for days at a time, placing them at risk for dehydration, considerable weight loss, and malnutrition. The source of phagophobia is unknown, although it might be a combination of variables such as your earlier experiences and other underlying health concerns. Observing others may also teach you phobias; witnessing someone else endure discomfort or shame when swallowing might drive you to acquire a fear of it as well.