
10 Reasons Why You’re Exhausted

7. You Aren’t Drinking Enough Water

Tropicana Del Norte

It is critical to stay hydrated in order to sustain energy levels. The numerous metabolic interactions that occur in your body on a daily basis result in a loss of water that must be restored. When you don’t drink enough liquid to replenish the water lost in your urine, feces, sweat, and breath, you become dehydrated. Several studies have found that dehydration lowers energy levels and impairs concentration. Dehydration, in fact, impacts your entire body, including your sleep patterns.

In a research of nearly 26,000 Chinese and American adults, low hydration was linked to shorter sleep periods. Dehydration might also make you feel more weary during exercise and reduce your endurance. Although you may have heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce (240-mL) glasses of water per day, your hydration needs are determined by a variety of factors, including your weight, age, gender, and amount of exercise. The key is to drink enough water to stay hydrated. Dehydration symptoms include thirst, weariness, dizziness, and headaches.