
Vinegar And Honey – The New Alternative For Low-Cost Antibiotic Wound Care

Drug Genius

In a remarkable victory for holistic medicine, the nation renowned for its discovery of penicillin is now embracing the utilization of natural food components to facilitate wound healing within hospital settings.

The United Kingdom is actively conducting trials that have yielded significant success, demonstrating the efficacy of a blend consisting of medicinal-grade honey and food-grade vinegar for wound cleansing purposes. This innovative approach stands in contrast to the conventional practice of employing antibiotics or antiseptics.

Referred to as “oxymel,” this concoction has historical roots extending back to the medical literature of Classical Rome and quite possibly even more ancient civilizations. Presently, at Warwick University, Connelly and her dedicated team of researchers from the British National Health Service are delving into the potential of diminishing bacterial concentrations when these microorganisms are encased within a biofilm matrix.

“In our survey of pre-modern recipes we noticed a pattern of combining honey and vinegar to wash or dress wounds and swellings, and this inspired us to focus on that combination in our analysis,” said Dr. Erin Connelly. She is a researcher on the study.

Biofilms, intricate and gelatinous amalgamations of microbes, can envelope wounds due to their unique ability to adhere closely to living tissue. Within this protective matrix, bacteria can evade the effects of traditional topical antibiotics.

Through a series of meticulous experiments involving various dosages and formulations, the researchers have made a pivotal discovery. The synergistic application of a gentle dose of acetic acid (the active constituent of vinegar) in conjunction with medicinal honey brings about a remarkable reduction in microbial populations.

“These doses are lower than those that wound care nurses currently use on patients. But when we put these low doses together, we saw a large number of bacteria dying which is really exciting,” Dr. Freya Harrison of Warwick University said when she spoke to London Times.

Further investigations by the team have unveiled an intriguing development. Whole vinegars, exemplified by substances like pomegranate vinegar, exhibit even more potent wound-healing attributes than acetic acid in isolation.

Importantly, the scope of medicinal honey’s effectiveness extends beyond wound cleansing. For instance, the acclaimed Manuka honey showcases its capability to combat bacterial infections afflicting individuals with cystic fibrosis, a grievous and potentially fatal ailment.