
How To Know If Your Child Has Pneumonia

Pain On The Back Or Chest When Inhaling

Kids | LoveToKnow

A normal breath should not hurt anywhere. In the case of some children (or even adults) who suffer from pneumonia, inhaling produces a pain in either the back between the shoulder blades, or the front, in the area where the lungs are. The pain usually disappears during the exhalation part of the breath. Yawning will be difficult, and may sometimes look like your child is having a spasm, because the pain will cause your child to try to stifle the yawn. In most cases, the pain will be a dull throbbing, but sometimes it will feel like a quick stabbing pain. Unfortunately, the pain is sometimes mistaken as a muscle pain, which is then ignored by some parents, expecting that whatever is wrong with the muscle will go away soon. If your child complains of pain in the chest or back when they inhale, or if you notice that they try to stifle their yawns, check for the other symptoms in this article, analyze their behaviors, signs, and symptoms for the past several days. If you realize other signs and symptoms were present already, check with a medical doctor.