
How To Know If Your Child Has Pneumonia

Less Energetic and Less Active

WOW Parenting

Any parent would usually be familiar with his or her own child’s energy and activity level. If your child’s energy level seems to be lower than usual, or if your usually hyperactive child is suddenly more lethargic, or if your usually lethargic child becomes even more lethargic than usual, then it is wise as a parent to try to determine the cause of this reduction in energy level. It is normal for children (even adults) to have their “off days”. This is when your child seems to simply not be in the mood to be active. This is normal from time to time, but they usually snap out of it in a day or two. If the lethargy persists longer than a day or two, there could be something bothering your child. The issue could be a whole host of possibilities. It is possible that your child is anxiously dwelling on an issue, or several, that it drains him/ her.

If the case were pneumonia, the child’s reduction in energy and activity level would often mainly be because he or she gets exhausted more quickly. This is to be expected of any person suffering pneumonia, regardless of age. They cannot get enough oxygen to their muscles and organs, so they easily get tired. In some cases, the pain in several body parts, the difficulty breathing, and just the general discomfort of being sick, all combine to make your child just want to rest.