
34 Conditions That Make Your Feet Hurt

Hopkins Medicine

Foot pain is a very common complaint. However, there are numerous possible causes, making it difficult for even health care professionals to determine the cause. Your history and symptoms of foot pain can provide clues, but they may not be sufficient to make a firm diagnosis. If you have an underlying health issue that is frequently associated with foot pain, the picture becomes even more complicated. Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, and neuropathy are examples of these conditions. If this is the case, you should consult your healthcare provider or a podiatrist (foot care specialist) before attempting to treat foot pain on your own.

Read on to find out the many reasons why your feet are hurting!

1. Ingrown Toenail

When the edges or corners of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail, you have ingrown toenails. An ingrown toenail is most likely to develop on your big toe. Ingrown toenails can be treated at home. They can, however, cause complications that may necessitate medical attention. If you have diabetes or another condition that causes poor circulation, you are at a higher risk of complications. Ingrown toenails can affect both men and women. Ingrown toenails, according to the National Health Service (NHS), may be more common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Because toenails thicken with age, older people may be more susceptible to this condition. When you use your feet a lot during athletic activities, you are more likely to get ingrown toenails. Activities that involve repeatedly kicking an object or applying pressure to your feet for extended periods of time can cause toenail damage and increase your risk of ingrown toenails.