
23 Symptoms Of Autism In Young Children

10. Liking a Strict Daily Routine and Getting Upset if It Varies


Routines are frequently important to autistic children and adolescents. Change and transitions might be tough for them to deal with. They may prefer to eat, sleep, or leave the house in the same manner each time. Children, for example, may go to bed contentedly if their regular bedtime procedures are followed, but they will not settle if the habits are disturbed. They may become agitated if their route to preschool is altered, or they may insist on putting on their clothing in the same order every morning. We don’t know what creates compulsive behavior or the desire for rituals and routines. The cause may differ from person to person. Special hobbies can be enjoyable for young autistic children with limited play skills. Obsessions, routines, and rituals also aid in the management of stress and anxiety in some autistic children. Obsessions and rituals allow them to take control of their environment when they are anxious because they don’t grasp what is going on around them. Sensory sensitivity can lead to the development of obsessions and rituals in some autistic children. Children, for example, may stroke people’s hair whenever they can because they appreciate the sensation or it makes them feel peaceful. And because some autistic children struggle with planning, having a strict pattern or ritual can help relieve feelings of stress and anxiety stemming from uncertainty and change. Before developing a plan to handle your child’s obsessions, rituals, and routines, consider your child’s developmental level and communication skills. Does your youngster, for example, have the communication skills to grasp your instructions? Finding out what’s causing your child’s behavior may also help you decide what to do next. Is it a sensory experience? Or does your youngster experience anxiety when confronted with the unknown? You may be able to manage the sensory difficulties or anxiety, which may result in a decrease in said behavior.