
23 Symptoms Of Autism In Young Children

16. May not Point to Objects or Events

Autism DFW

Hand leading and a lack of index finger pointing are key deficiencies that are frequently connected with early autism. Pointing assessment is utilized in many autism assessments and is considered a major warning flag. After Lucas’ diagnosis, I discovered two forms of pointing. Pointing at an item to express a request, such as pointing at a cookie on a shelf when you want a cookie, is an example of urgent pointing. Then there’s declarative pointing, which is pointing to something or doing something to catch someone’s attention. A child pointing at an airplane in the sky is an illustration of this. Even if the child isn’t talking, pointing and looking at an adult to show them the airplane in the sky is a highly useful ability to have at 15 to 18 months old. Most autistic children do not exhibit this form of pointing at such an early age. When children with autism are young, both types of pointing, urgent and declarative, are almost always delayed or missing. For normally developing children, pointing to request or get attention, as well as other gestures like exhibiting an item to a caregiver, reaching with both arms to be picked up, waving, and shaking their head no, should all emerge between 9 and 15 months of age. Failure to point and utilize other usual motions by 18 months indicates a lack in joint attention and may indicate autism.