
11 Foods That Help Burn Fat

9. Oolong Tea


Oolong tea is a classic Chinese tea that has been partially oxidized, putting it in the oxidation and color range between green tea and black tea. It is frequently described as having a fruity, aromatic scent and a distinct flavor, however these characteristics can vary greatly depending on the extent of oxidation. Several studies have found that oolong tea can aid with weight reduction by increasing fat burning and metabolism. In one study, 102 persons who were overweight or obese drank oolong tea every day for six weeks, which may have helped them lose both body weight and body fat. The tea, according to the researchers, achieved this through boosting fat metabolism in the body.

Another small study assigned men to drink either water or tea for three days while evaluating their metabolic rates. When compared to water, oolong tea boosted energy expenditure by 2.9 percent, which equates to an additional 281 calories burned each day on average. While additional research on the benefits of oolong tea is needed, these findings suggest that oolong tea may be good for weight loss. Although many people drink tea for its calming qualities and exquisite taste, each cup may also have a number of health advantages. Drinking tea instead of high-calorie liquids like juice or soda may help lower overall calorie consumption and contribute to weight reduction. Certain varieties of tea have also been demonstrated in animal and test-tube tests to aid in weight loss while inhibiting fat cell development. However, human research are required to study this further.

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