
10 Signs You May Be Dealing With A Blood Infection

6. Nausea and Vomiting


Nausea is the feeling of having to vomit, while vomiting is actually the uncontrollable reflex to release or expel the stomach contents through the mouth. Normally, nausea and vomiting are symptoms of gastrointestinal issues, pregnancy, migraines, motion sickness or other conditions. This is why a blood infection doesn’t automatically come to mind when someone is experiencing them. However, they can also be signs of septicemia due to the body’s attempt to fight off the ongoing infection, as well as a response to possible pain that may come with the infection. In addition, vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is yet another medical condition that can be concerning when left untreated. Regardless of the cause for the nausea and vomiting, whether a blood infection or not, it is still best to seek proper medical attention and treatment before the condition worsens.