
10 Signs You May Be Dealing With A Blood Infection

5. Red Dots On the Skin

The Sun

Another prevalent symptom of septicemia are having red dots on the skin, or what medical experts call a ‘hemorrhagic rash.’ This type of rash looks like small clusters of bright red spots, which some say look like pinpricks, all over the skin. Sometimes, these rashes can change and grow bigger over time, eventually looking like a fresh bruise rather than a rash. If the rash begins to look more like a bruise that’s more purple in color, or has become bigger in size, this could mean that the infection has become worse and sepsis may have set in, which can be deadly if left untreated. If you have other signs on this list, and a rash or bruise that didn’t occur due to any trauma in that area, be sure to seek immediate medical attention as soon as possible.