
Woman’s Life Saved After Apple Watch Warns Her Of Pulmonary Embolism While Fast Asleep


Technology has changed the world throughout the ages and now is no different. Smartwatches, the Apple Watch in particular, have completely revolutionized the way we monitor our health.

These devices, which are equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms, aren’t just fashion statements, but rather, they’re potential lifesavers. One particular incident from Cincinnati serves as a poignant reminder of the life-saving capabilities of these modern marvels.

29-year-old Kimmy Watkins was the owner of one such Apple watch, and on one fateful night, she had no idea that it was going to actually save her life. While she was peacefully asleep, her body was actually struggling to deal with a life-threatening condition, none other than a pulmonary embolism.

Without her knowledge, her heart rate had skyrocketed to an alarming 178 beats per minute, which was not normal for anyone in their asleep, especially for someone so “young.” It was as if she was doing high-intensity running or swimming for someone in her age group, not the kind of heart rate anyone should have while they are fast asleep.

It was the loud beeping of her smartwatch that woke her from her slumber. Incredibly alarmed by what was going on, especially since it was showing that there was something wrong with her, Kimmy did the right thing by seeking out medical assistance. But what followed the very next day was a diagnosis that was going to shock her, but something that her doctors confirmed that her watch was telling her that night, it was a saddle pulmonary embolism.

A pulmonary embolism is a life-threatening condition that occurs when a blood clot becomes lodged in an artery within the lung, obstructing blood flow and potentially leading to a fatal outcome. In fact, Richard Becker, MD, a professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Health said that many patients with this condition face a 50% chance of survival.

Kimmy said that earlier in the day, she had felt bouts of lightheadedness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. However, she had though that she just lacked food, especially since she had no previous history of any heart problems.

She told UC Cincinnati, “I was asleep for about an hour and a half before my watch woke me up with this alarm that said that my heart rate had been too high for too long. So for over 10 minutes, it was too high.”

“I’m very lucky, and if my sleep hadn’t been disturbed, my partner would have found me asleep on the couch or not really asleep,” Watkins said.

This isn’t the first time that an Apple Watch has detected an issue with someone’s heart. Back in September, an Englishman also shared his story about how his smartwatch had detected that there was something wrong with his heart. In fact, his heart was in the “process of stopping,” making him close to “sudden cardiac death.”

Thankfully, he was rushed to the hospital and after undergoing an MRI, his condition was seen and he had surgery to fit a pacemaker, potentially saving his life in the long run.

The gentleman, 54-year-old David Last, said, “My wife keeps saying that she saved my life, and she’s not wrong,” said David. “If she hadn’t bought me my Apple watch for my birthday, I wouldn’t be here.”