Diet, Fitness, Food, Health, Life

Why The Keto Diet Does Not Work For Some: Know The Probable Mistakes


There have been many types of diets, some successful and some not. Some considered it a fad, while others have gone through generations of trials. Some work for others, but not for all types of people. The ketogenic diet is one of those that is being talked about by lots of people who swear it really works.

So what is the keto diet? Basically, it is a very low-carb, high fat diet. For it to be successful in helping lose weight, people have to remember that the diet is very low in carbohydrates, high in dietary fat, and moderate in the amount of proteins. This means a diet of about 5% carbs, 80% of the calories from fat, and just 15% from protein. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state of ketosis, where you burn fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This results in rapid weight loss for some, but long-term success has not been proven., according to Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE.  And there are other low-carb diets around equally successful.

Still, while a lot of people have benefited from rapid weight loss, including several celebrities who openly endorse the diet, it may not work miracles for others. You, for example, may not experience the desired weight loss you want so much, though your neighbor may. Truth be told, you may be doing some common mistakes which affect the desired results. Let’s take a look at some of the mistakes encountered by “keto-fanatics.”

You take in more carbs than you think you do.

 If you don’t religiously measure your carb intake, chances are you are taking more in than you may think. The keto diet requires an intake of not more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, in order to remain in a state of ketosis, and continue to burn fat for energy. A common mistake by the inexperienced dieter, as many keto-friendly foods actually contain small amounts of carbs. Foods such as nuts, berries, and veggies. According to Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, “ Only when all of your carbohydrate stores are gone will the body start using fat as fuel. Therefore, the second you provide carbs as a source of fuel again, the body will go right back to its favorite source and knock you out of ketosis.”

 Eating too many calories.

 Lots of inexperienced dieters think that they can eat as much fat and protein they want, and still lose weight. They believe so, for as long as the carbs are kept to a minimum. Major mistake. Note that you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose a single pound. Too many calories, from fats and protein, can still be stored as excess energy. According to the experts, most healthy and active women who desire to lose weight should consume between 1500-2000 calories per day. Many are guilty of eating too many calories, and wonder why they are not losing the desired weight from the diet.

Plan your snack time.

 Planning your snack time properly can help avoid hunger, and overeating during meals. But know that even healthy snacks can make it easy to consume more calories than you need. Palinski-Wade advises, “Snacking is fine, but focus on being mindful about it. Snack when you are actually hungry. And really listen to your body and stop eating when you’re satisfied.” Not as easy as it sounds, it seems.

Don’t skimp on fiber.

 Some people load up on protein and fat at the expense of fiber-rich foods to stay below their daily carb threshold. But research has shown that cutting down on fiber could impact on types of bacteria in your intestines, which affect your weight-loss goals. A study showed that people with bacteria that digests fiber have experienced more success at losing weight as compared to bacteria that thrive on meat and fat. And fiber slows digestion and takes up a lot of space in your digestive tract which makes you feel fuller. Unfortunately, studies also have shown that most low-carb dieters don’t get enough fiber. It is recommended to get about 30 grams of fiber each day to remain in ketosis. “ If you work with an expert you can combat the fiber issue by consuming low-carb, high fiber options like non-starchy cruciferous vegetables and nuts,” explains Kirkpatrick.

Don’t cheat with non-keto foods

 Lots of people cheat on their diets, and wonder why they are not losing the desired weight. Even a single carb-laden snack will affect the keto diet tremendously. Your body will escape from ketosis, and go back to burning carbs for energy rather than fat. Kirkpatrick says, “ It appears that one of the benefits of the keto diet is, in fact, being in ketosis for long amounts of time. I often recommend my patients choose splurge options that won’t knock them out of ketosis.”  She is particularly a fan of QUEST protein cookies.

 It’s not just about the diet.

 You have to see the whole picture for successful weight loss. According to Palinski-Wade, “ It’s harder to lose weight if you’re not incorporating other healthy lifestyle habits.” Exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress levels are all part of the big picture. Experts agree that these factors definitely can affect your diet and make your weight loss goal unattainable. Palinski-Wade adds, “ You’ll see success faster when you focus on making multiple healthy changes and be more likely to keep the weight off long term.”

 So what are the benefits of the keto diet? Well aside from the obvious advantage of losing weight, experts believe that it could lower blood pressure, improve sleep and moods, slow down the ageing process, and increase energy efficiency. So, now you are in the know. Hopefully, if you are doing it right, the keto diet will help you achieve the results you desire, and make your life more comfortable. But note that diets are temporary, for long term results, you do have to make lifestyle changes. Don’t expect miracles, good luck.