According to Women’s Heart Foundation, at least 8.6 million women die from heart disease every single year all around the world. There are also 8 million women in the United States alone that suffer from some sort of heart disease, of which a staggering 35,000 are under the age of 65. Statistics also show that 435,000 American women have heart attacks each year and from this number, 42% end up dying within the same year.
Considering the seriousness of this data, it’s important for women to be able to recognize the red flags of heart attacks, since this could be the difference between life and death. That’s because the quicker that a patient can get medical attention, the higher her chances of survival, as well as lessening the difficult after effects that come with having a heart attack, as well as having a quicker recovery.
While heart attack symptoms vary from person to person, they also differ between genders. Women are known to experience subtler, or what some would even call “silent,” symptoms. Despite the fact that most women complain of moderate indications, it doesn’t mean that they should ignore them or take them lightly either.
Here are 16 heart attack red flags that women should watch out for.