
Does Eating Sour Candy Help Stop Panic Attacks?

Candy Club

Sour candy has emerged as an unexpected remedy for grounding oneself in the present moment amidst the whirlwind of sensations during a panic attack. While the concept may seem intricate at first glance, experts suggest there could be validity to this phenomenon gaining traction on TikTok.

Panic attacks often strike without warning, leaving individuals grappling for effective coping mechanisms. While there’s no fail-safe method to entirely stave off these episodes, the sour candy trend on TikTok offers a glimmer of hope for those seeking relief. This unconventional approach entails using the intense sensory experience of sour flavors to anchor oneself in the present, potentially mitigating the severity of panic attack symptoms.

“Popping a sour Warhead at the first sign of anxiety or panic attack, as a doctor, I can tell you this actually works really well and I’ve shared it with a lot of my patients,” said Jason Singh, MD, in a TikTok post that has garnered 1.4 million views. He’s also a physician in Virginia.

Dr. Singh explains that the intense sourness effectively distracts from the panic attack. Engaging the taste buds with this overpowering flavor disrupts the sensations of anxiety, he elaborated.

Elsewhere on TikTok, true believers are extolling the virtues of this unorthodox remedy. “When I say I’ve never had something rip me out of the throes of a panic attack faster, I f-ing mean it,” one TikToker claimed in a post that has gotten 3.4 million views.

All about Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can strike suddenly, bringing with them an overpowering sense of fear and profound physical reactions, even in seemingly mundane situations where no immediate danger is present. This description from the Cleveland Clinic emphasizes that unlike anxiety, which can stem from identifiable triggers, panic attacks often occur without any discernible cause.

Although panic disorder is a common catalyst for panic attacks, they can affect individuals dealing with various health conditions, including but not limited to other anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, or substance use disorders, as noted by the Cleveland Clinic.

“You can’t prevent a panic attack,” Philip Muskin, MD, a psychiatry professor at Columbia University and a practicing psychiatrist in New York City, said. “But there are several different things you can do in the moment and with treatment to manage them when they happen.”

How Sour Candy Helps

Addressing a panic attack often involves employing a multifaceted strategy aimed at soothing both the body and mind. This typically includes practices like meditation and controlled breathing, which help to stabilize physiological responses and promote a sense of calm. Additionally, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is frequently utilized to equip individuals with effective coping mechanisms for managing the onslaught of symptoms.

Dr. Muskin suggested that for certain individuals, integrating daily antidepressant medication into their routine may mitigate the frequency and severity of panic attacks. This pharmacological approach aims to regulate neurotransmitter levels in the brain, thereby tempering the intensity of panic-related symptoms.

In an intriguing twist, Catherine Del Toro, founder and clinical director of Counseling con Catherine, proposes an unconventional method for alleviating panic attacks: sour candy. While this might seem unexpected, there’s a rationale behind it. The intense sensory experience of consuming sour candy could potentially distract from or disrupt the escalating feelings of panic, offering a momentary reprieve or reducing the overall intensity and duration of the episode.

“When eating something sour or spicy, you are promoting a grounding technique that encourages you to focus on the present moment, which stops the spiral of fear and communicates to your brain that you are not in real danger, thereby allowing the panic attack to slow in intensity and eventually stop altogether,” Del Toro explained.

John Delony, PhD, author of Own Your Past, Change Your Future and Redefining Anxiety, suggests that it could also alleviate anxiety attacks, which, unlike panic attacks, stem from particular situations.

“Anxiety is an alarm system alerting us to danger in our environment, and especially towards things that ‘might’ happen in the future,” Dr. Delony said. “A piece of sour candy, as well as a sour lemon or something very cold, may be enough to jerk someone from the mindless looping of anxiety, and bring them back to the present … where they are safe, cared for, and okay.”

Sour Candy Still Can be Limited

Muskin cautioned that while sour candies are often suggested as a remedy, there’s no concrete scientific evidence to support their effectiveness. Moreover, it remains unclear whether these treats induce any specific physiological or neurological changes that could potentially interrupt the processes triggering a panic attack.

“Maybe the shock of that very sour thing changes their focus for a minute so they stop focusing on the panic attack because they’re focused on the sour thing in their mouth,” Muskin said. “But then they’re still having a panic attack once that initial shock wears off.”

Some people may assume sour candy helps because they’re really having an anxiety attack that they have mistaken as a panic attack, Muskin said. “If your stress is related to something specific, like maybe you have a meeting with the boss in the morning and you’re worried about getting fired, that’s actually an anxiety attack with a specific cause, not a panic attack that happens for no apparent reason,” Muskin said.

The Bottom Line When It Comes to Sour Candy

Ultimately, no specific food or drink can guarantee immunity against panic attacks. However, keeping sour candies on hand and using them as a coping mechanism during a panic or anxiety episode can be beneficial, according to Del Toro. It’s important to recognize that relying solely on sour candy for managing these intense emotions is not sufficient. Other strategies and support systems should be explored and utilized in conjunction with this approach to effectively address panic and anxiety.

“If you are prone to panic attacks, it would be a good idea to implement strategies like deep breathing, exercise, medication, and therapy to manage your overall anxiety,” Del Toro said. “Treating anxiety and panic attacks is not a ‘one size fits all’ deal, and if someone is experiencing this, they should seek professional help for personalized treatment.”