Diet, Food

21 Fat-Burning And Appetite-Suppressing Foods To Help You Lose Weight

16. Kefir


Kefir is a fermented drink traditionally made by adding kefir grains to cow’s milk or goat’s milk. It has a creamy consistency and a slightly sour flavor similar to Greek yogurt. In fact, it is considered to be a drinkable form of yogurt.

The prebiotic drink promotes the growth of good bacteria in your gut, helping your body break down the food that you eat more efficiently. It is rich in protein that helps you feel fuller for a longer stretch of time.

Because kefir can have side effects, particularly to those who are not used to probiotics, introduce it into your diet at a dose of no more than 100 mL a day. If you do not experience any side effects or if you have managed to overcome them, you can gradually increase your daily intake to around 200 to 300 mL a day.

But if you really can not tolerate kefir, you can replace it with other fermented foods such as pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and tempeh to enjoy the same benefits.