Diet, Food

21 Fat-Burning And Appetite-Suppressing Foods To Help You Lose Weight

13. Avocados


Avocados have become a sort of a trend, particularly in the form of avocado toast. Because this fruit is loaded with nutrients, it is actually a trend worth following. Monounsaturated fats make this fruit a heart-friendly food that can help lower your cholesterol levels.

Avocados have also been linked to trimmer waistlines and lower body mass index (BMI). They promote a feeling of fullness for a longer time after your meal. This may make you less likely to reach for snacks in between meals.

If avocado toast is not your thing, you can enjoy this fruit in many other ways. Try eating it sprinkled with seasoning or drizzled with a little olive oil. You can also make guacamole, mix it into your salad, or use it as a substitute for mayonnaise as a binder ingredient. Avocadoes also make delicious smoothies that you can enjoy as a snack or meal substitute.