
13 Signs Of Borderline Personality Disorder

13. Rage


One of the most distressing symptoms of borderline personality disorder is intense, inappropriate anger. It’s sometimes referred to as “borderline rage” since it’s so severe. Despite the fact that anger is a prominent aspect of BPD, little is understood about why and how persons with BPD feel anger differently than others.

Anger that follows a set of rules is more than just a typical emotional reaction. Anger in BPD is defined as “inappropriate, excessive anger or difficulties managing anger” and is called such because the intensity of the anger appears to be more than is warranted by the scenario or event that produced it. For example, a person with BPD may display very strong and unhealthy rage in response to an incident that may appear little or insignificant to others, such as a misunderstanding or a miscommunication.

If you or someone you love is exhibiting these symptoms, please call a mental health professional and book an assessment as soon as you can.