
12 Things You Need To Know About Gallbladder Removal Surgery


The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ located just beneath the liver, on the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. It serves as a reservoir or storage pouch for bile, a fluid produced in and released by the liver, before it goes to the intestines via the bile ducts. Bile is essential to the digestive process, during which it performs many functions; more significantly, to break down fat into fatty acids. 

A healthy gall bladder supports digestive health, and plays an integral part in your body’s overall nutrition and wellness. But, sometimes, problems arise with your gallbladder, and it becomes inflamed, impairing its ability to function properly. An inflamed gallbladder, also known as cholecystitis may progress into a medical emergency, as the organ may rupture and potentially cause severe complications. Typically, the remedy for cholecystitis is a cholecystectomy, the medical word for gallbladder removal surgery.

Here are some essential things you need to know about the causes and symptoms of cholecystitis, and what to expect if you are having your gallbladder removed.