
12 Signs Of Ovarian Cancer

8. Constipation


Only about 15% of ovarian cancer cases are detected in the early stages. Women of any age can get ovarian cancer. The good news is that early detection is key to a successful treatment strategy. This is why it is critical to understand the risk factors and early warning symptoms of this type of cancer. Most ovarian cancer symptoms, however, are modest in the early stages and will only become more noticeable as the cancer advances. One of the most prevalent ovarian cancer symptoms is constipation. If the first steps you take do not relieve new constipation, you should be concerned. Patients may also have stomach distress, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. It is critical to be aware of any changes in your bowel habits. Some gastrointestinal problems may arise as a result of the tumor’s increased strain on surrounding organs such as the colon.