
The 7 Best Food Pairings That Will Help Fight Inflammation

My Fitness Pal

Some foods are meant to be eaten alone, but there are also those that when paired with something else, they’re just better eaten together, especially when it comes to fighting inflammation. While the following foods are still nutrient heavy by themselves, rather than snacking on them by themselves, put them together and they can pack an even more powerful punch. Here are 7 of the best food pairings that are not only healthier, they aid in inflammation fighting benefits.

Pair Number One: Leafy greens & Olive Oil

Medical News Today

Gone are the days when people used to look at fat as the ultimate enemy. The Keto diet has proven that certain healthy fats are good fats. For this leafy greens and olive oil combination, it’s actually the healthy fat that works to enhance the absorption of antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein, which is found in leafy greens. It’s precisely the lutein that diminishes the inflammation in the eyes, preventing such neurodegenerative disorders. Beta-carotene, on the other hand, is known to lessen overall inflammation in older adults. The next time you have some lovely leafy greens, make sure to drizzle them with olive oil to get the best of both worlds.

Pair Number Two: Spinach & Blueberries

Ice Cream Inspiration

Not only does spinach paired with blueberries look incredible, but putting them together makes them even more dynamic. You can eat them together in a salad or blend them together in a smoothie, either way, having them before or after a workout is known to lessen inflammation afterwards. One study that looked at athletes that ate blueberries every day for 6 weeks showed positive effects, from less inflammation to improved breathing, and better flow of oxygen while exercising. Plus the nitrates found in the spinach actually help the muscles work, and the blueberries aid in lessening muscle soreness after a workout. 

Pair Number Three: Lentils & Lemon

The New York Times

For women that are premenopausal, they are at higher risk for iron deficiency anemia, which happens when there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells in the body because of a lack of iron. The Iron Disorders Institute shares that this is the result of inflammation, which limits the amount of available iron to the rest of the body. By eating iron-rich foods like lentils and beans, along with citrus foods that are rich in ascorbic acids and carotenoids like lemon, and it allows the body to absorb a more substantial amount of iron. 

Pair Number Four: Sweet Potatoes & Cayenne Pepper


Another power pair is sweet potato and cayenne pepper, and the fact that they taste amazing together is just an added plus. Whether you cook up some sweet potato soup or make them into fries, sprinkle it with cayenne pepper or chili powder since that enhances the vitamin A absorption in the beta-carotene rich orange foods. Even better, Vitamin A is also known to benefit inflammation issues like acne and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. So the next time you decide to indulge in sweet potatoes or butternut squash, add some chili and make it sizzle! That extra heat is actually very good for you.  

Pair Number Five: Raspberries & Grapes

Gardener’s Path

While raspberries and grapes are extremely yummy on their own, the fact that they are both extremely rich in antioxidants means that having them together is double the nutrition! In fact, science shows that with antioxidants, two will always be better than one. Raspberries have ellagic acid, known to enhance the ability of quercetin, which is found in grapes. So when these two delicious fruits are eaten together, they become a lean mean inflammation fighting machine! Even better, other studies also share that this particular combination also reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and cancer of the lungs. 

Pair Number Six: Almonds & Kefir

Cultures for Health

If there’s one type of nut that’s normally on everyone’s diet list, it’s the almond. That’s because they are rich in healthy fats, fiber, protein, and tons more. When paired with some kefir, this combination packs a much stronger punch. Kefir, much like yogurt, is a dairy product that has loads of beneficial bacteria and probiotics that the gut needs to be healthier all around. If you need an added boost of good bacteria within the stomach, chop up some almonds and mix it in your kefir. The fiber from the almond skin will actually act as a prebiotic which helps boost the probiotics in the kefir. This promotes protective intestinal bacteria that wards off chronic intestinal inflammation, as well as diseases like ulcerative colitis, chronic pouchitis and Crohn’s disease. 

Pair Number Seven: Garlic & Onion & Brown Rice

Archana’s Kitchen

Although this combination is made out of three things rather than two, it’s the fact that this triple threat actually helps the body absorb zinc better. One study of elderly folk that were tasked to take zinc supplements had a decrease in their risk of getting chronic inflammation-related diseases like neurodegeneration, atherosclerosis, cancer and immunologic disorders by at least 66 percent. And while garlics and onions can both give you bad breath, the health benefits make it worthwhile.