Health, Life

Some Common Causes Of Unexplained Or Sudden Weight Gain Can Be Alarming


Ladies, as you age, it is normal to put on some weight. You are not as young as you were, and most likely are not as active. Although some of us do actually look better as we age…thanks to proper living (diet, exercise, rest, etc.). But sometimes, the alarm bell will ring, especially if you experience sudden and unexplained weight gain.

If you notice this, go consult with your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry, right? You may also want to start logging your eating habits and exercise routine (if you have any) daily, to give your doc a better chance to find out what is wrong. At least for a few days to about 2 weeks. This is the advice of Dr. Melina Jampolis, an internist and physician nutrition specialist. You would be surprised that there are different causes of weight gain that have nothing to do with eating a lot or exercising less. Let’s take a look at some of the more common causes:

Anxiety or depression

Stress can affect a person in different ways. It can pump you full of adrenaline, as well as a heavy dose of the hormone cortisol, which helps your body store fat. When your cortisol levels stay up for a prolonged period, your body will continue to store fat, thus your weight gain. If you get depressed often, see a specialist to help you out. Chances are, you won’t be able to tackle it yourself. There is no shame, that’s what the specialists are there for.

Lack of sleep or insomnia

Some of us who lack sleep often crave for sugar or fat (or any midnight snack). We tend to rationalize that we will need the energy for the next day anyway. Get real. Sleeping less raises ghrelin, the hormone that tells you it’s time to eat, while at the same time lowering your levels of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full. Dr. Jampolis explains this scientific fact. A study conducted in 2018 showed that people who were able to sleep just an hour more per week lost more fat than those who slept an hour less. Imagine, sleeping helps you lose fat!


According again to Dr. Jampolis, the transition period to menopause, which can start in women usually in their 40s, triggers hormones like estrogen to rise and fall unevenly, which can result in weight gain for some women.other signs of perimenopause include hot flashes, irregular periods, a change in your libido, and mood swings. Consult your doctor to remedy the situation, particularly the weight gain.


Usually, unexplained weight gain in women are the results of a thyroid disorder, at least one out of eight women develop this, according to the American Thyroid Association. The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck responsible for secreting a hormone that regulates metabolism. So an under-active thyroid – hypothyroidism, will slow metabolism down, and trigger weight gain. Women with this disorder may also suffer from fatigue, hair loss, constipation, dry skin, and hoarseness. Go see your doctor and take a blood test to check on your thyroid.


Sometimes, we can bloat up due to lack of fluids, not just eating too much. A dietician at University of Florida Health, Kristen Neilan RD, explains that most of us actually don’t drink enough water. We sometimes mistake thirst for hunger. She says,confusion, tiredness, and lightheadedness are all signs of even mild dehydration.”  She adds, “ Adequate hydration increases mitochondrial function – what that basically means is that it increases your metabolism.”  So if you lack water, your cells can’t convert your food into energy properly, thus you gain weight. Don’t be afraid to drink up more water, it is good for you.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

As many as one out of five women have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is an endocrine disorder that throws off the balance of reproductive hormones estrogen and testosterone, and can trigger some discomforting symptoms like migraines, facial hair growth, and weird periods. PCOS also can affect the way your body uses insulin, the hormone responsible for turning starches and sugar into energy, which means unexplained weight gain in the abdominal area, explains Dr. Jampolis. If your menstrual cycles are off, go see a gynecologist to check it out.

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

Probiotics is the good bacteria that helps your gut function properly. But there is also bad bacteria somewhere in your digestive tract. When the bad overruns the good, SIBO takes place, which can trigger extra gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and also weight gain. But according to Dr. Jampolis, doctors are not really sure how SIBO triggers those extra pounds. But treatment for SIBO includes antibiotics to treat the bacterial overgrowth.


Believe it or not, a lot of over-the-counter meds can trigger weight gain or water retention. Dr. Rocio Salas-Whalen, an endocrinologist at the Medical Offices of Manhattan, says “ Antidepressants – most commonly the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Paxil, Lexapro, and  Prozac, may affect the appetite center in the brain.”  Even OTC antihistamines like Benadryl can disrupt an enzyme that helps regulate food consumption, thus triggering sudden weight gain, Dr. Salas-Whalen adds. The same with beta-blockers (which help reduce blood pressure) and steroids. But don’t just stop taking your meds…consult your doctor first.



Insulin is required by both types of diabetes to keep blood sugar levels regulated. Those with type 1 need to regularly insert themselves with insulin, as their pancreas is not producing enough.Insulin allows the body to absorb sugar and use it for energy. Type 2 diabetes is usually associated with insulin resistance from a poor diet, or an inactive lifestyle. This itself can contribute to weight gain, explains Dr Pouya Shafipour, a weight-loss specialist at Paloma Health. Type 2 diabetics have a higher baseline insulin level, which leads to weight gain, especially around the belly. But an increase in insulin from external hormone treatments can also lead to weight gain. Particularly if you are eating more calories than your body needs. Dr. Shafipour recommends you stay away from fast foods or any food with high refined sugar.

Cushing’s disease

For those who are encountering this for the first time, it is a super-rare condition of only about 10 to 15 people per million, but 70% are women. It causes excess cortisol production and may trigger weight gain around the abdominal area. Dr. Reshmi Srinath, assistant professor  of diabetes, endocrinology, and bone disease at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, says, Cushing’s typically presents with significantly low energy and complications like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. But the telltale sign is very large, red stretch marks on their belly.” If you notice these signs, go see your doctor right away.

Ovarian cancer

According to Sanaz Memarzadeh, MD,PhD, a gynecologic cancer surgeon at UCLA Health, says that in rare cases, an expanding belly is the result of an ovarian tumor and fluid buildup associated with it. Patients come in with abdominal bloating, and their usual pants are not fitting. Sometimes the tumor is so large it can cause distention of the abdomen.” More likely, women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer after menopause. But it can happen at any age, so it is essential you know the signs. Also if you feel full most of the time, and get bloated, go see your doctor.

Other cancers

More often than not, most cancers in their early stages will result in weight loss, not weight gain. Unless it is a cancer that causes the release of cortisol, like a tumor in the adrenal gland. But also note, that as cancer progresses, it can cause weight gain. Dr. Shafipour says,This weight gain can be due growth on the size of the tumor itself or if it spreads to other organs like the liver, which can cause fluid build-up in the stomach or stomach cavity.”  But don’t panic, this is usually a worst-case scenario. Other symptoms may come out which will prompt you to see a doctor while it’s still in an early stage.

Quitting smoking

Not really alarming, just thought you may not realize this. Smoking actually acts as an appetite suppressant, so when you quit, the craving to eat increases. Smoking leads to a rise in dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for instant pleasure, just like eating ice cream for a snack. Quitting smoking causes the dopamine levels to drop, but your cravings still remain. That’s why most smokers who quit experience sudden weight gain. To counteract this, you need to consider more exercise, and create a new, healthier habit.

In summary

Sudden weight gain may also be due to your lifestyle change. If you find yourself snacking more often than not, well, don’t get surprised if your pants suddenly get tight. But if you are constantly gaining about 2 pounds a week, it may be time to see a doctor. Consulting the experts will help you pinpoint the cause, and find ways to remedy it. Don’t try to do it yourself, unless you are a doctor or nutritionist. But even experts seek the advice of other experts, so just imagine that. Again, there is no shame, no matter what your condition is. Remember, better to be safe than sorry should be top of mind regarding health.