Cardamom is a spice that has a ton of health benefits, but new research has recently shared that it could become even more sought after due to its possible ability to tackle aggressive types of breast cancer.
According to scientists at the Florida A&M University, the natural compound found in cardamom, called cardamonin, is said to kill cancer cells and prevent them from ‘flying under the immune system’s radar.’
Statistics show that nearly 10 to 15 percent of breast cancers are called “triple-negative,” which are considered much more aggressive and deadly. Moreover, they are more difficult to treat with the usual hormone-based therapies that are used in other types of breast cancer.
Recently, some scientists in Tallahassee made a promising discovery that could possibly pave the way for a new type of treatment.
Study author Dr. Patricia Mendonca, who took the challenge to discover a targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer, said, “There is a critical need to investigate medicinal plants as a new way to combat this cancer.”
Her research team observed how cardamonin managed to affect the expression of a gene dubbed PD-L1 found in tumor cells. This gene is known to play a very vital role in helping breast cancer cells break away from the body’s immune system.
The research group tested the spice compound on cancer cells that were derived from women of European origins, and women with African-American ancestry. The Cardamonin was found to kill the cancer cells from both of these groups, however, they only limit the expression of PH-L1 in European women. They explained that it could possibly be the genetic variations between the races could explain why the cancer cells responded in a different way to the spice.
Cardamom, which is also at times called cardamon, is a spice that’s made form the seeds of a variety of plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum. They are native to the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia, as well as throughout the tropical and subtropical Asian regions. These days, the spice is considered quite valuable and is cultivated in Guatemala, Malaysia, and Tanzania, and is considered the third most expensive spice, next to saffron and vanilla.
Cardamom happens to be a very common ingredient in Indian cooking, and in baking in Nordic countries, it’s known for its strong, unique taste as well as its intense aroma. Black cardamom tends to have a more distinct smokey aroma, alongside a coolness that some share is quite similar to the taste of mint.
The earlier references of cardamom to medicinal cardamom are found in the Ayurvedic literatures of India. It was also identified as a digestive aid, according to the ancient Greek physicians Dioscorides and Hippocrates, who also wrote about the spice’s therapeutic properties.
The seeds, oils and extracts that come from this spice has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In fact, one 2009 study even showed how cardamom had the ability to significantly decrease blood pressure.
Meanwhile, studies in mice have also shown that cardamom powder has the ability to increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer. A study done in 2012 showed the potential of cardamom as ‘a preventive agent against stage-2 skin cancer in mice.’ Research in 2015 also showed how a certain compound in cardamom managed to stop oral cancer cells from multiplying in test tubes.
The research group in Florida is now planning to test this newly found cancer-combatting compound in clinical studies. They also hope to discover what mechanisms are driving the spice’s anti-cancer properties.
The research group also shares that their findings will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Investigative Pathology.