Food, Health

New Study Finds That Snacking On Grapes May Add 4 To 5 Years To The Lifespans Of Regular Junk Food Eaters


As if you couldn’t love grapes any more, there is new research that shows how snacking on grapes may possibly combat the effects of eating too much junk food by flushing out the refined fats and sugars of processed food.

Leader of the research team from Western England University, Dr. John Pezzuto, explained that eating grapes led to “unique gene expression patterns, reduced fatty liver, and extension of lifespan” for animals that usually consumed a high-fat diet.

Pezzuto has written over 600 studies, and he himself said the that results are “truly remarkable.” In addition, he said, “It adds an entirely new dimension to the old saying ‘you are what you eat.”

During a number of experiments, the researchers were made to eat a high fat diet that was quite similar to those eaten in normal western countries. Moreover, they were also given a cup of daily powered grape supplement as well. They found that these lab rodent had a less fatty liver, and managed to live longer than the rodents who didn’t.

The paper showed that fatty livers, which affect around 25% of humans, can also eventually lead to liver cancer. But the research saw that the effect of an alteration of gene expression was prevented or delayed. In addition, the genes that were responsible for the development of fatty liver were altered beneficially by feeding grapes.

Moreover, for genes that are also related to fatty liver, the research team also found increased levels of antioxidant genes after given grape-supplemented diets.

Pezzuto went on to explain, “Many people think about taking dietary supplements that boast high antioxidant activity. In actual fact, though, you cannot consume enough of an antioxidant to make a big difference. But if you change the level of antioxidant gene expression, as we observed with grapes added to the diet, the result is a catalytic response that can make a real difference.”

Pezzuto, who is a professor of pharmaceutics, shared that how this is precisely related to humans is yet to be seen, but what they say was clear is that the grapes can actually change the expression of genes, in more areas than the liver as well.

Pezzuto and his team also published a separate study in the Antioxidants journal that found how ‘grape consumption alters gene expression in the brain.’ Plus, there are positive effects on behavior and cognition which were also impaired due to a high-fat diet. The result suggests that the alteration of gene expression is what created the beneficial response.

Although more studies are indeed required, it’s important to understand that another report from a team at UCLA – led by Silverman – found that a daily administration of grapes also had protective effects on brain metabolism. Once again, the suggestion is that it’s due to the alteration of gene expression.

While it isn’t considered perfect science yet, translating years of human lifespan to that of a mouse, Pezzuto shares that their best estimate is the changes that were observed in the study could also correspond to an added 4 to 5 years in the life of a human that eats tons of junk food.

Pezzuto adds, “These data illustrate the extraordinary influence of nutrigenomics, a burgeoning field of investigation that will augment our appreciation of diet and health.”

Notably, this research – published in the journal Foods – was partially funded by the California Table Grape Commission.