
Can Your Chronic Bloating Be A Sign of Ovarian Cancer?

Health Magazine

Almost every woman has experienced bloating at one time or another. This heavy and swollen feeling in the abdomen is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), so for some, it may even be a regular thing. Bloating can also be caused by stress, constipation, the food that you eat, or other factors.

But while occasional bloating might be a normal part of life, chronic or regular bloating may be a sign of something more serious. In fact, it is one of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, and one that is often overlooked.

According to recent statistics, 50 percent of women who suffer from regular bloating do not seek medical help. It has also been seen that women are more likely to make diet changes to address the problem rather than see their doctor about it.

While regular occurrences of bloating may be caused by other things, this symptom should not be ignored, especially if you can not identify what is causing it. It is crucial to get a diagnosis early on, in case it is ovarian cancer. About two-thirds, or 66 percent, of women with the disease are diagnosed in later stages, by which time it is more difficult to treat.

Being aware of the symptoms of ovarian cancer is important for women. Knowing what signs to watch out for — such as chronic bloating — will push to you seek help as soon as any of these appear. Getting diagnosed early can help prevent the disease from progressing and may even save your life.