
Brave Ukrainian Surgeons Save A Little Girl’s Life Despite War

Belfast Live

The Gribben family from Northern Ireland faced a profound and heart-wrenching decision: how far would they go to ensure their child, Rachel, could lead a normal life? For them, the answer was clear – they would go to the ends of the earth. Literally.

Rachel, just four years old, suffered from severe epileptic seizures that not only threatened her health but also hindered her developmental progress. The solution to her condition lay in the St. Nicholas Children’s Hospital in L’viv, Ukraine. Despite the geopolitical turmoil engulfing the region, the Gribbens saw hope in the expertise offered at this institution.

L’viv, situated close to the Polish border in western Ukraine, had thus far remained relatively untouched by the conflicts ravaging the eastern parts of the country. However, the specter of danger loomed as attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure intensified in recent months. The threat of air strikes hung over the city, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the Gribben family’s journey.

What drove the Gribbens to embark on this perilous journey? It was the chance for Rachel to be cured of her debilitating condition. Renowned American neurosurgeon Dr. Luke Tomich was in L’viv, offering his expertise to the neurosurgeons at St. Nicholas. His presence provided a glimmer of hope for Rachel’s recovery.

The surgery Rachel needed was not without risks. Dr. Mykhailo Lovga, her neurosurgeon, had diagnosed her with epilepsy and epileptic spasms when she was just 18 months old. The procedure required the removal of a small section of brain tissue, the source of her seizures. Despite the daunting nature of the surgery, the Gribbens remained resolute in their decision.

For the Gribben family, the journey to L’viv was more than just a physical distance of 1,800 miles; it was a journey fraught with emotional turmoil and uncertainty. They were faced with the prospect of traversing through a war-torn region, risking their safety for the sake of their daughter’s health.

The decision to undergo such a journey was not taken lightly. It meant leaving behind the comfort and security of their home in Northern Ireland and venturing into the unknown. Yet, the Gribbens were willing to make this sacrifice for Rachel. Their love for her knew no bounds, and they were determined to do whatever it took to give her the chance at a normal life.

Theirs is a story of resilience and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. It highlights the lengths to which parents will go to ensure the well-being of their child. The Gribben family’s journey serves as a testament to the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

As they embarked on their journey to L’viv, the Gribbens carried with them not only the hopes and dreams of their family but also the hopes of countless parents facing similar struggles. Their courage in the face of adversity is an inspiration to us all, reminding us that love knows no bounds and that, sometimes, the greatest risks yield the greatest rewards.

“We carefully opened the skull, found the abnormal tissue, and slowly separated it before removing it completely. Because this tissue was close to the area that controls movement, we worked with neurologists and used very advanced technology during the surgery,” Dr. Lovga said when he spoke to United 24 Media, a Ukrainian news agency.