Iron deficiency is a very common nutritional issue that also happens to be the major cause of anemia – which is when there is a reduction of red blood cells in the body. When someone is dealing with an iron deficiency, their body lacks iron, which is what leads to low levels of red blood cells. Iron in necessary to make hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen all throughout the body. When the body lacks this protein, the muscles and tissues cannot work properly, which then leads to the most common of all anemias known as iron deficiency anemia.
Although an iron deficiency is not normally difficult to deal with, when left untreated, a number of medical problems can arise and lead to bigger issues of poor immunity, lack of concentration and even inadequate productivity.
If you are worried that you are suffering from an iron deficiency, here are 13 common signs and symptoms you should know.
1. Being Unusually Tired
While there are a number of reasons why people feel unusually tired, it’s also the most common symptom that someone is suffering from an iron deficiency. Statistics show that more than half of the patients that have tested iron deficient have shared that they feel tired a lot of the time, and for unknown reasons. Since iron deficiency causes a lack of hemoglobin, which translates to less oxygen running through the body, it leaves the muscles and tissues lacking and deprived of necessary energy. Plus a person’s heart has to work even harder to get oxygen-rich blood pumping through their veins, making them extra tired as well. While this sign is common for many other health conditions, when experienced with weakness, crankiness and lower productivity, there is a high chance that it is due to an iron deficiency.