
12 Common Symptoms And Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is simply explained as a condition when the immune system attacks the synovium, which is the protective lining of the membranes that surrounds a person’s joints. When this happens, inflammation occurs, causing the synovium to thicken, which can one day destroy the cartilage and bones within the joint. This can also cause the ligaments and tendons between the joints to stretch and weaken, eventually causing the joints to lose their shape and become deformed.
Because it’s classified as an auto-immune disorder it means that the body’s immune system –which is meant to protect it – actually attacks it instead. And even worse, there is no cure and when left untreated, it can affect other parts of the body like the eyes, lungs, heart, skin, blood vessels and more.

While doctors don’t know for certain what causes the disease, here are 12 common symptoms and signs that you might be dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is described as feeling unusually tired or exhausted, and for no apparent reason at that. In fact, fatigue can even be felt at times despite people getting what is considered the right amount of rest and sleep. Although people can feel fatigued for many different reasons, when it’s caused by RA, it tends to become more frequent as time goes by. Eventually, it is also associated with a general feeling of being unwell which can even lead to depression.