{"id":2370,"date":"2020-10-29T06:09:18","date_gmt":"2020-10-29T06:09:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/?p=2370"},"modified":"2020-10-29T06:09:18","modified_gmt":"2020-10-29T06:09:18","slug":"25-foods-to-eat-to-avoid-constipation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/25-foods-to-eat-to-avoid-constipation\/","title":{"rendered":"25 Foods To Eat To Avoid Constipation"},"content":{"rendered":"
Endo News<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

If you\u2019ve ever had the complete displeasure of dealing with constipation, then these next few pages will definitely come in handy. Considering that constipation affects at least 42 million Americans yearly, it\u2019s obvious that it is a topic that needs to be talked about.<\/p>\n

Although everyone has different bathroom habits, people that have three or fewer bowel movements per week usually means that they are suffering from constipation. Of course, constipation can also be a symptom of other medical conditions or a result of taking medications, but more often than not, it\u2019s caused by what we\u2019re eating \u2013 or in this case \u2013 what we\u2019re failing to ingest.<\/p>\n

Here are 25 foods you should be eating or drinking in order to avoid constipation.<\/strong><\/p>\n


1. Water<\/h2>\n
Agora Media<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

People probably don\u2019t realize this, but a number of cases of constipation are due to a lack of water in the body. In fact, it\u2019s one of the most important factors to help alleviate constipation in the first place. This is mostly because water is needed in order to pass stool through the colon. According to gastroenterologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Elizabeth Blaney, MD, “The colon’s main job is to reabsorb water. If you’re a bit dehydrated, your stool will be harder and more difficult to pass.” This is why it\u2019s important to drink the recommended eight to 10 glasses of water every day.<\/p>\n


2. Prunes<\/h2>\n
California Prunes<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Prunes, also known as dried plums, are quite popular when it comes to constipation treatment. That\u2019s because these fruits are incredibly rich in fiber. Fiber is one of the main nutrients that people need in order to help increase the bulk of your stool so that you can get your poop moving. And with 1 gram of fiber for just one prune, Dr. Blaney shares, \u201cThat\u2019s a pretty concentrated amount.\u201d Add to that fact prunes have sorbitol and fructans, known fermentable sugars, which cause laxative effects.<\/p>\n


3. Oranges<\/h2>\n
Pittman Davis<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Aside from being astonishingly high in vitamin C, oranges are actually quite high in fiber as well. In fact, one orange is said to have between 3.1 to 4 grams of fiber, which is already 13% of the recommended daily fiber intake for adults. Plus oranges also contain flavonol, which is a naringenin. Research in a Chinese study showed that this also works as a laxative, which helps lessen the chances of constipation setting in.<\/p>\n


4. Kiwis<\/h2>\n
Toss Hub<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Another fruit that has made it on the list is kiwifruit. That\u2019s because kiwi has around 2.3 grams of fiber per fruit, which translates to 9% of the recommended daily intake. Research from a number of studies have also shown that people who eat kiwi had an increased frequency in their bowel movements. One other reason for this is because kiwifruit has an enzyme called actinidain which has a positive effect on one\u2019s bowel habits and gut motility. And aside from all that fiber, you can get in some extra vitamin C too!<\/p>\n


5. Oatmeal<\/h2>\n

Love it or hate it, oatmeal happens to be one of the best types of food you can eat to get more fiber in your system. Plus when it comes to the fiber world, it has 2 grams of insoluble and 2 grams of soluble fiber, making it a powerhouse when it comes to making your bowels move. The insoluble fiber works to add bulk to stool in order to make food pass quicker through the stomach and intestines. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, dissolves in water which then forms a gel-like substance, and when they work together, they soften the stool which makes it easier to go.<\/p>\n


6. Spinach<\/h2>\n
Serving Joy<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Your parents have probably been telling you to eat your spinach for years, and for very good reason. Spinach happens to be incredibly high in fiber, about 4 grams for every one cup of cooked spinach in fact. But this dark leafy green is also known to be high in magnesium, a mineral that helps the colon contract. Dr. Blaney explains that this \u201chelps draw water in to flush things through.\u201d Since spinach can be used in a number of foods like salads, soups, dips and tons of other meals, it\u2019s always worth adding to your diet, especially if you want to keep yourself constipation free.<\/p>\n


7. Popcorn<\/h2>\n
Farmers Almanac<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Here\u2019s one food that we don\u2019t need to force you to eat. Popcorn is one of those foods that feels like a \u201cnaughty\u201d snack but is actually considered quite healthy, and helpful too when it comes to moving your bowels! Most doctors and dieticians will suggest that their patients skip the chips and go for plain or lightly salted popcorn instead. And since 3 cups of popcorn has as much as 3 grams of fiber for as little as 93 calories, it makes it an easy way to add some fiber to your everyday diet. Plus it\u2019s so easy to find, which is truly a bonus.<\/p>\n


8. Rice<\/h2>\n
Eat This<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

You might have grown up hearing that rice isn\u2019t the healthiest, but in reality it\u2019s all about quantity \u2013 as well as what kind too of course. A Japanese study showed that people that ate more rice actually had 41% less chances of having constipation. This was most probably due to the fiber content in the rice, with brown, red and even black rice normally being considered better choices with more fiber content. Brown rice, in fact, has around 4 grams of fiber for every cup as compared to white, which only has 1.<\/p>\n


9. Flaxseeds<\/h2>\n
My Beauty Naturally<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Much like oatmeal, flaxseeds have both soluble and insoluble fiber, and just one tablespoon of ground flaxseeds has at least 2 grams of fiber. Considered a power food, these tiny seeds aren\u2019t only rich in fiber, but there\u2019s evidence that suggests they reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease and diabetes. In addition to that, the fact that they can be tossed on basically anything and everything make them an easy solution to adding fiber to your diet. This also means that they are quite handy in making sure you don\u2019t have to deal with bothersome and painful constipation.<\/p>\n


10. Beans, Lentils and Peas<\/h2>\n
Pix Feeds<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Beans are yet another food that can help lessen the chances of getting constipation. Since beans have a fiber-like starch \u2013 known as resistant starch \u2013 they actually serve as a mild laxative by helping move foods quicker. Of course beans are also sources of extra gas and bloating, but according to Dr. Blaney, you should \u201cIncrease your intake of fiber-rich foods gradually. You may feel worse before you get better.\u201d But because they are packed with fiber, they\u2019re also worth adding to your diet.<\/p>\n


11. Green Beans<\/h2>\n

In case you\u2019re not convinced about the other types of beans mentioned earlier, or maybe all the smelly gas and farting talk has thrown you off, then you can try green beans instead. These little guys not only have 4 grams of fiber for every 1 cup, they are also lower in carbs and protein. Plus the fact that they don\u2019t have as many fermentable sugars \u2013 which cause gas \u2013 green beans tend to be a more enjoyable choice for some, and an easy way to lessen the chances of becoming constipated without all the farting.<\/p>\n


12. Aloe Vera Juice<\/h2>\n

You probably are more familiar with Aloe Vera being used for sunburns and wounds, but this wonder plant can also be used for constipation treatment. Much like coconut water, Aloe Vera has become quite popular and has recently been made into juice, bottled and easy found in most groceries. For some people, drinking it works as a laxative and in early traditional medicine, it was even included in a number of laxative products.<\/p>\n


13. Coffee<\/h2>\n

If you\u2019ve ever had constipation then you might have already turned to coffee as an easy treatment, and for good reason. A number of experts believe that this is because coffee actually stimulates the muscles in the colon to contract, helping you go number two. Coffee also has a bunch of other health benefits like containing antioxidants, as well as improving memory, circulation, and even helping to improve a workout. Some doctors suggest having coffee in the morning to help stimulate the movement within the colon in order to get things moving early and to be able to go more easily.<\/p>\n


14. Yogurt<\/h2>\n
My Net Diary<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Yogurt is one of those foods that is highly beneficial to the gut, and that\u2019s due to the active bacterial cultures that live in it, allowing the good bacteria in your gut to replenish. Although yogurt is better known as a food that causes constipation, research and other recent studies have actually shown that yogurt can help relieve constipation, especially probiotic yogurt. One such study found that this type of yogurt even increases bowel movements by at least 1.3 per week, as well as improving consistency as well.<\/p>\n


15. Pear Juice<\/h2>\n
Healthy Living Hub<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Another fruit that isn\u2019t celebrated as much as it should be are pears. Dr. Matthew Bechtold, a gastroenterologist from the University of Missouri Health Care shares, \u201cPears have fiber but also sorbitol or fructose, a non-absorbable sugar that acts as a laxative.\u201d And because they are rich in fiber, 5.5 grams for one medium sized pear, they work well when dealing with constipation, or helping make sure that you don\u2019t get backed up. Whether eating pears or drinking pear juice, either one can be easily incorporated into your everyday diet to lessen any chances of unwanted constipation.<\/p>\n


16. Cruciferous Vegetables<\/h2>\n
Green Med Info<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy are considered super foods. Aside from being high in fiber, they also contain vitamins and minerals that can even be cancer-fighting. They have the ability to help deal with constipation, as well as aid in keeping constipation at bay. But similar to beans, eating too much of these cruciferous vegetables have a gassy effect, so those that aren\u2019t used to having this type of roughage in their system should limit how much they eat until their system adjusts.<\/p>\n


17. Whole Wheat Bread<\/h2>\n
Donnie Yance<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

This probably isn\u2019t the first time you\u2019ll hear about whole wheat bread being a better choice over refined white bread. The reason behind this is because the fiber content of whole wheat bread is that the nutrient-rich components like bran, germ and endosperm remain intact. White bread, on the other hand, keeps only the endosperm, stripping away the healthier contents and leaving mostly starch. While the fiber and bran will definitely work to help with constipation, it can also have a bloating effect so be careful of how much you eat.<\/p>\n


18. Cucumbers<\/h2>\n
Nature Fresh<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Cucumbers aren\u2019t everyone\u2019s favorite, but health experts tend to wonder why. While most folks think that they are incredibly bland and only find them exciting in pickle form, cucumbers are chockful of water, making them one of the best foods to eat to combat constipation. Berkeley Health reported that cucumbers are made up of 96% water, which equates to this veggie being one of the highest in water content. And since constipation is often caused by a lack of water in the system, it\u2019s truly one of the best foods you can add to your diet to lessen constipation.<\/p>\n


19. Apples<\/h2>\n
Tri County Farm<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

As the saying goes \u201can apple a day keeps the doctor away,\u201d and this is true for more reasons than one. Apples are low calorie yet they have loads of vitamin C and potassium. And one medium sized apple has around 4 grams of fiber too. Similar to pears, they contain loads of gut benefits including fiber and water. They are also linked to weight loss, have cancer-fighting properties, and lessens the risk of diabetes. When eating them raw, be sure to leave the skin on to get the most of the fiber content than without it.<\/p>\n


20. Rhubarb<\/h2>\n
Organic Authority<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Rhubarb is not exactly the most popular of veggies, but that\u2019s probably because of their very tart flavor and the fact that it can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. But considering that this leafy green packs a powerful nutritional punch, it surely doesn\u2019t deserve to be ignored. One interesting fact about rhubarb is that it actually has more calcium that a cup of milk, the problem is that it doesn\u2019t digest easily in the body. They also have vitamin K and C, as well as potassium and manganese, but more importantly, they have a bowel-stimulating property called sennoside A or Senna, as it\u2019s more commonly known which serves as a popular herbal laxative.<\/p>\n


21. Sweet Potato<\/h2>\n

Sweet potato is known as another fiber-filled food, with one medium-sized one containing as much as 3.8 grams of fiber. Aside from fiber, they also contain vitamins A, C and B6, as well as manganese and potassium. They also have tons of antioxidants which protect the body from free radicals that tend to cause cancer and other chronic illnesses like heart disease. All of these things contribute to proper gut health, which aids digestion and lessens the chances for constipation to occur. Plus they\u2019re really yummy too!<\/p>\n


22. Chia Seeds<\/h2>\n

Chia seeds are another superfood that are incredibly fiber-dense. A single ounce of chia seeds has up to 10.6 grams of fiber, which actually meets all your required daily intake! Since chia seeds are 15% soluble and 85% insoluble fiber, these tiny yet powerful seeds soften your stool and make them easier to pass as well. Amazingly, chia seeds can even absorb up to 12 times their own weight in water, making them even more helpful in moving the bowels. To top it all off, they can be added to a ton of food like oats, yogurt, cereal, smoothies, salad dressings, baked goods and even desserts!<\/p>\n


23. Kefir<\/h2>\n
The Petite Cook<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Kefir isn\u2019t the most popular drink around but this fermented milk product is actually a probiotic that\u2019s gaining a lot of leverage. It comes from either cow or goat\u2019s milk where the fermentation creates microorganisms that are good for the gut. All the good bacteria and yeast that goes into the body keeps the gut healthier, helping digestion which aids in smoother bowel movements. Often said to be better than other probiotics found in yogurt, it also has antibacterial properties and it can improve bone health and lessen the chances of osteoporosis.<\/p>\n


24. Figs<\/h2>\n

Similar to dates, figs are yet another fruit that are said to improve the bowel and its movements. Figs are about the size of a thumb, yet just one medium-sized one of these fruits has around 1.6 grams of fiber alone. That means that eating at least half a cup of figs will already equal to 30% of your daily required fiber intake. They\u2019re also considered high in vitamin B6 and copper, yet low in sugar, making them a smart and low-calorie snack!<\/p>\n


25. Artichoke<\/h2>\n
Bonnie Plants<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Artichokes are known as vegetables, but they are actually classified as thistles. They have been used for years for their medicinal properties like lowering blood sugar levels, increasing heart and liver health, and improving digestion. Artichokes are full of nutrients and one medium-sized one has up to 6.9 grams of fiber alone, which aids in moving along the bowels and lessening any chances for constipation. They also contain many other nutrients including vitamin C, K, B6, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Plus the fact that they are so good should only make it easier to add them to your list when planning out the best fiber-rich diet you can have!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

If you\u2019ve ever had the complete displeasure of dealing with constipation, then these next few pages will definitely come in handy. Considering that constipation affects at least 42 million Americans yearly, it\u2019s obvious that it is a topic that needs to be talked about. 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