{"id":2031,"date":"2020-10-05T16:37:55","date_gmt":"2020-10-05T16:37:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/?p=2031"},"modified":"2020-10-05T16:37:55","modified_gmt":"2020-10-05T16:37:55","slug":"16-common-signs-of-kidney-disease","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/16-common-signs-of-kidney-disease\/","title":{"rendered":"16 Common Signs Of Kidney Disease"},"content":{"rendered":"

Having healthy kidneys is important for having a healthy body. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other toxins out of the blood. These are usually stored temporarily in the bladder then removed when you pee. Kidney disease affects about 26 million Americans, and it occurs when your kidneys become damaged and cannot function properly. Damage to your kidneys can be caused by diabetes, high blood pressure, and various other chronic conditions and those with the disease tend not to experience symptoms until the very late stages, when the kidneys are failing. This is why only around 10% of people with chronic kidney disease know that they have it.<\/p>\n

Here\u2019s a list of symptoms to watch out for, and if you are experiencing several of these symptoms at once, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor to get your kidneys tested!<\/strong><\/p>\n


Fatigue is a tiredness that doesn\u2019t seem to be helped by any amount of rest. A severe decrease in your kidney function leads to an unhealthy buildup of toxins in your blood. This can cause you to feel tired, weak, and can even make it hard to concentrate. Some people can suffer from fatigue for up to six months, and it seriously decreases the quality of life.<\/p>\n


Difficulty Sleeping<\/h2>\n

When your kidneys aren\u2019t filtering enough of the toxins from your body in an effective and efficient way, these contaminants stay in the blood rather than being expelled in your urine. This buildup of waste in your blood can make you feel ill and can make sleeping difficult. There have also been links found between obesity and chronic kidney disease. Sleep apnea is more common when you are obese and have kidney disease as well. Sleep apnea happens when your breathing is interrupted or stopped for more than ten seconds while you\u2019re fast asleep.<\/p>\n


Dry and Itchy Skin<\/h2>\n

Kidneys do more than you think, so it is imperative to take good care of them. When you have kidney disease, the build-up of waste in your blood can actually cause severe itching. Uremic frost, or the crystallized urea deposits that can be found on your skin, comes along when your kidneys are experiencing advanced failure. When this happens, high levels of urea are secreted by your sweat glands, and when the water evaporates, the urea crystallizes on your skin. In order to reduce itching, make the proper changes to your diet, like avoiding high protein and high phosphate foods.<\/p>\n


Increased Urination<\/h2>\n

Your kidneys are responsible for making your urine — so when you have kidney disease, you may have to get up at night and pee. This is called nocturia, and it results from the loss of the concentrating ability of your kidneys as the damage escalates. This will usually lead to a trip or two or three to the bathroom in the middle of the night. What\u2019s more, this will interrupt your sleep even more than usual, and prevent your body from getting the necessary rest it needs to stay strong.<\/p>\n


Foamy or Bubbly Urine<\/h2>\n

A big sign that your kidneys are not functioning properly is if you have a lot of bubbles in your pee. The kind that requires you to flush twice or thrice before they go down. This is an indication of protein in the urine, and a sign of ongoing kidney damage. Here\u2019s an interesting fact: the foam is caused by albumin, the same protein that is found in eggs. If your urine has these foamy deposits, you may want to make an appointment to see your doctor. Don\u2019t forget to take a sample!<\/p>\n


Blood in Urine<\/h2>\n

Seeing blood in your urine is a sign that you may have kidney disease. This is because healthy kidneys usually stop the leakage of blood into your urine because they are purifying the blood. When your kidneys are damaged though, some blood cells can escape the filter and find their way to your urine. Blood spots or ribbons in your urine can also be indicative of kidney tumors, stones, or even an infection. If you notice something that looks like blood in your urine, make sure to get a sample and bring it to the doctor for testing immediately to find out why it’s happening.<\/p>\n


Puffy Eyes<\/h2>\n

If you notice bubbles or froth in your urine, similar to the bubbles you get when you scramble eggs, this is a sign that there is protein in your urine. When you see this, it is because your body is leaking protein into urine rather than keeping it in your body where it belongs. One of the places where this manifests is your face, if your eyes start to get large and puffy. Adjust your diet so that any excess proteins and phosphates will not be leaked into your urine.<\/p>\n



Healthy kidneys work hard to remove the extra fluid and salt in your body. Failing or diseased kidneys have a hard time removing these from your blood, which eventually causes swelling in your legs, ankles, feet, face, or hands. If you notice this and report to your doctor, you will probably be put on \u201cdiuretics\u201d, which are pills that make you urinate more frequently to promote water and salt excretion from your body.<\/p>\n


Weight Fluctuation<\/h2>\n

Kidney disease can result initially in weight loss, and then as you get further along, it can result in weight gain. These fluctuations and variations are due to the different aspects of the disease at work in your body. In the early to middle stages of kidney disease, people often lose weight because the disease causes loss of appetite. Your appetite can be affected by certain chemical compounds in your blood that affect your brain and make you less interested in eating. In the later stages, you can gain wait due to bloating and water building up rather than being excreted.<\/p>\n


Muscle Cramps<\/h2>\n

Due to the imbalances of electrolytes, as well as the overflow of toxins in your blood when you have kidney disease, it is common to experience muscle cramps. Low calcium levels and poorly controlled phosphorous can contribute to muscle cramping, as well as the fatigue preventing you from wanting to move around and exercise. Furthermore, muscle wasting is not uncommon, as people tend to stay away from meat proteins naturally when they have kidney disease.<\/p>\n


Metallic-tasting Food<\/h2>\n

The buildup of wastes in the blood is called uremia. It occurs when your kidneys stop functioning properly and cause toxins to accumulate in your blood. Uremia can cause bad breath and make food taste different. Most people describe protein foods, like meat, tasting like metal or blood — so they tend to veer away from eating such things. In some cases, if you are not getting enough protein from plants and you stop the intake of meat proteins, you can experience muscle wasting, resulting in more weight loss due to the decrease of both fat and muscle. If food tastes like coins or blood, be sure to make an appointment to see your doctor.<\/p>\n


Nausea and Vomiting<\/h2>\n

Uremia can also cause nausea and vomiting due to the toxic buildup. If your doctor diagnoses you with uremia, you will likely be told to relax your diet restrictions on salt, phosphorus and potassium if it is safe to do so. You will also likely be told to reduce or eliminate things from your diet that could potentially cause nausea and vomiting like smelly food, high fat foods, spicy food, or alcohol. It is also recommended to try using ginger products to settle your stomach, eat small frequent meals, and sit upright for 30-60 minutes after meals to help your food settle.<\/p>\n


Shortness of Breath<\/h2>\n

When your kidneys are affected, your whole body feels its effects. Trouble catching your breath can be attributed to kidney disease. Extra fluids in the body that are not flushed out can build up in your lungs and cause you to run out of breath even after what seems like minimal effort. The fluid buildup can also cause anemia, which is a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells, that can also in turn leave your body oxygen-deprived and feeling out of breath. A quick and easy way to check if fluid buildup or anemia are causing your shortness of breath is to try and lie down flat. If it feels like you are drowning when you try to do so, make an appointment to see your doctor about possible kidney disease or anemia.<\/p>\n


Feeling Cold<\/h2>\n

Uremia or the accumulation of uremic waste in your blood can cause decreased core body temperature. This is known also as hypothermia — a condition which is usually associated when you fall into cold or icy water and your core body temperature plunges. However, it is also a condition that is associated with uremia. Humans in general, especially when they are healthy, have the ability to maintain a relatively constant core body temperature of 97 – 99 degrees Fahrenheit, despite changes in the environment. You have hypothermia if your body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have kidney disease, you are especially vulnerable to cold stress during winter. The accumulation of toxins is believed to reduce peripheral vasodilation, meaning our shivering mechanisms which are our body\u2019s reflex for keeping us warm, is suppressed.<\/p>\n


Dizziness and Trouble Concentrating<\/h2>\n

The toxins that accumulate in your body when you have kidney disease can make the things you used to take for granted incredibly difficult. Especially when it comes to your brain. Uremia can result in memory problems, trouble concentrating, as well as dizziness and confusion. Previously easy tasks like balancing a checkbook, solving crossword puzzles, or remembering why you stood up to go do something may no longer be possible with severe kidney damage.<\/p>\n


Flank Pain<\/h2>\n

Most of the common causes of kidney diseases do not cause any pain — this is why it is easy not to notice that your kidneys are not functioning properly until the damage is pretty far along. Furthermore, many times the pain near the kidneys is not caused by a kidney problem<\/a>. However, there are some people who have chronic kidney disease and report pain in their upper backs where the kidneys are located. Some causes of this pain include polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which causes large cysts on the kidneys, kidney infections, and kidney stones.<\/p>\n

If you are noticing something not quite right with the way you feel, make sure to call your doctor for an appointment and get checked up.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Having healthy kidneys is important for having a healthy body. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other toxins out of the blood. These are usually stored temporarily in the bladder then removed when you pee. Kidney disease affects about 26 million Americans, and it occurs when your kidneys become damaged […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":9,"featured_media":2034,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"image","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[4],"tags":[16,415,414],"yoast_head":"\n16 Common Signs Of Kidney Disease<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Over 26 million American adults are estimated to have kidney disease, yet most do not know it because the signs and symptoms are often overlooked.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/16-common-signs-of-kidney-disease\/\" \/>\n<link rel=\"next\" href=\"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/16-common-signs-of-kidney-disease\/2\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" 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