{"id":1930,"date":"2020-10-02T14:18:24","date_gmt":"2020-10-02T14:18:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/?p=1930"},"modified":"2020-10-02T14:18:24","modified_gmt":"2020-10-02T14:18:24","slug":"21-fat-burning-and-appetite-suppressing-foods-to-help-you-lose-weight","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/healthnewscentral.com\/21-fat-burning-and-appetite-suppressing-foods-to-help-you-lose-weight\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Fat-Burning And Appetite-Suppressing Foods To Help You Lose Weight"},"content":{"rendered":"

Losing weight is not easy, especially if you love food. One of the things you need to commit to in the quest of getting in better shape is to watch what you eat. The good news is, even though you need to cut back on the bad calories, there is still plenty of the good stuff that you can enjoy. In fact, certain foods can help you lose body fat by boosting your metabolic rate, making them excellent options for nutritious and delicious additions to your weight loss diet.<\/p>\n

Here are some foods that can help you burn fat and also leaving you feeling satisfied.<\/strong><\/p>\n


1. Fatty Fish<\/h2>\n

One of the best ways to get high quality protein is by consuming fatty fish. Not only are these fish delicious but they are also packed with nutrients that are good for you. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help in reducing inflammation and can lower your risk of developing heart disease.<\/p>\n

A study has shown that these healthy fats may even help you lose body fat. The participants in the study were given fish oil supplements for six weeks, resulting in an average loss of 1.1 pounds of fat, as well as a decrease in cortisol, which is the body’s primary stress hormone that plays a role in fat storage.<\/p>\n

As a protein, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring also makes you feel fuller after your meal. Digesting protein raises your metabolic rate more than digesting carbs or fats does.<\/p>\n

To get the most of these nutritious fish, try to consume at least 100 grams of fatty fish in your meals at least twice a week. With a variety of fish to choose from, you can enjoy them in many delectable ways.<\/p>\n


2. Eggs<\/h2>\n

Eggs, particularly egg yolks, used to get a bad rap. The high cholesterol content of the yolks were seen as a reason to avoid them. But studies now show that whole eggs can help protect heart health in those who are at a greater risk of developing heart problems. To top that off, eggs are an excellent food for weight loss.<\/p>\n

Breakfasts that include eggs have been shown to make you feel fuller for a longer time after your meal. This may be due to the 20 to 35 percent increase in metabolic rate that this excellent source of high quality protein causes in the hours after eating.<\/p>\n

In an eight-week study, male adults who ate three eggs for breakfast consumed 400 calories less per day compared to those who had a bagel. They also enjoyed a 16 percent greater loss in body fat.<\/p>\n

If you are trying to lose weight, eat three eggs for breakfast a few times a week to keep you feeling satisfied longer.<\/p>\n


3. Apple Cider Vinegar<\/h2>\n

Apple cider vinegar has been a popular trend in weight loss for the past several years. But it has been used in folk medicine for centuries and is known for a number of other benefits as well.<\/p>\n

The main component of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which has been seen to increase fat burning and decrease the storage of belly fat in some animal studies.<\/p>\n

While this has not yet been a proven effect on humans, one promising study showed a weight loss of 3.7 pounds and a 0.9 percent reduction in body fat in obese male participants who added two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to their usual daily diet for 12 weeks.<\/p>\n

Moreover, the vinegar has been seen to reduce appetite and lower insulin and blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.<\/p>\n

With a number of health benefits to gain, adding apple cider vinegar to your diet may be a good idea. Start with one teaspoon a day and gradually increase your intake to one to two tablespoons per day. But make sure to dilute the vinegar in water before you ingest it, as any kind of undiluted vinegar can cause damage to your throat and esophagus.<\/p>\n


4. Full-Fat Greek Yogurt<\/h2>\n

Yogurt is a popular food associated with a healthy diet. It contains probiotics that are good for your gut health. These may also lessen symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, such as bloating and constipation.<\/p>\n

Full-fat Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and is also rich in calcium and potassium. Dairy products that are high in protein can help make you feel fuller and reduce your appetite. They are also thought to increase fat loss and protect muscle during weight loss.<\/p>\n

You might be wondering why you should opt for full-fat rather than non-fat or low-fat. This is because full-fat Greek yogurt contains conjugated linoleic acid, which appears to encourage burning of fats and weight loss in overweight and obese people. The non-fat and low-fat versions contain little to none of this fatty acid.<\/p>\n


5. Whey Protein<\/h2>\n

Whey protein is a popular diet choice when it comes to working out and weight loss. This is because it is proven to be an effective supplement to exercise that helps promote muscle growth as well as preserve muscle when losing weight.<\/p>\n

When compared to other protein sources, whey protein is also more effective at suppressing appetite, since it better stimulates the release of satiety hormones such as peptide YY (PYY) and glucagonlike peptide 1 (GLP-1). These hormones regulate your appetite and make you feel fuller.<\/p>\n

A study comparing different protein drinks revealed how consuming the whey protein drink resulted in significantly lower hunger levels. The male participants consumed fewer calories during the next meal following the whey protein drink. Another study found that a whey protein meal is more effective in increasing metabolic rate and burning fat compared to casein and soy proteins.<\/p>\n

On top of all this, whey protein appears to be an equal opportunity food when it comes to burning fats and losing weight. These effects have been seen in both lean people and those who are overweight or obese.<\/p>\n

If you are actively trying to lose weight, especially if you are also working out, include whey protein shakes in your diet as a meal or a snack to help you lose weight and tone your body more effectively.<\/p>\n


6. Coffee<\/h2>\n

Coffee lovers, rejoice! Not only can you continue enjoying your favorite beverage but it can also help you burn fat. An excellent source of caffeine, coffee can also help boost your mood and improve your physical and mental performance.<\/p>\n

Various studies have revealed caffeine’s calorie-burning effects. Depending on how much you take, it may increase your metabolic rate by three to 13 percent.<\/p>\n

One study involving nine participants showed how those who consumed caffeine one hour before working out burned almost twice as much fat as the ones who did not. They were also able to work out 17 percent longer.<\/p>\n

In another study, participants with a leaner build burned an average of 150 extra calories while heavier adults burned around 79 extra calories after a period of taking 100 mg of caffeine every two hours for 12 hours.<\/p>\n

But since too much caffeine can come with side effects such as insomnia and anxiousness, try to limit your daily dose to 100 to 400 mg, or one to four cups of coffee, per day.<\/p>\n


7. Green Tea<\/h2>\n

Another healthy choice of beverage is green tea. It may help lower your risk of heart disease and may protect you against some types of cancer. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine and is a good source of the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which can help you burn fat, particularly in the belly.<\/p>\n

Studies have produced mixed results, however. One study has shown a 17 percent increase in burning fat during bicycling in male participants who were given green tea extract instead of a placebo. But other studies suggest that green tea or its extract might not have any or much effect on your metabolism or rate of losing weight.<\/p>\n

Either way, daily consumption of up to four cups of green tea can provide you with other health benefits.<\/p>\n


8. Oolong Tea<\/h2>\n

While not as popular as green tea, oolong tea offers a lot of the same benefits, making it another healthy beverage to add to your diet.<\/p>\n

According to studies, the combination of caffeine and catechins in the tea can increase the calories you burn by an average of 102 calories per day. It was also shown to burn twice as much calories as green tea does.<\/p>\n

Moreover, other studies suggest that consumption of oolong tea may increase your metabolic rate and encourage weight loss.<\/p>\n

Since both may contribute to losing weight, switch it up by alternating between green tea and oolong tea. Regularly drinking a few cups a day can help you reap their benefits.<\/p>\n


9. Chili Peppers<\/h2>\n

If you are a fan of spicy food, you may now have even more good reason to turn up the heat in your dishes. Chili peppers are loaded with powerful antioxidants that can help decrease inflammation and protect your cells from damage.<\/p>\n

One particular antioxidant called capsaicin may also help you maintain a healthy weight. It promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you avoid overeating.<\/p>\n

Capsaicin may also help you lose body fat by burning more calories. Studies have shown that taking the compound can help cut down your appetite and can increase the calories you burn by around 50 calories per day.<\/p>\n

Adding chili peppers or cayenne powder to your dishes several times a week not only adds spice to your meals but can also help you with weight loss.<\/p>\n


10. Olive Oil<\/h2>\n

One of the healthiest fats, olive oil can be considered a staple for those who want to maintain a healthy diet.<\/p>\n

Aside from other health benefits, it can help increase good HDL cholesterol while lowering triglycerides. It also encourages the release of the satiety hormone GLP-1, which helps you feel full for a longer time. Olive oil has also been shown to increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss.<\/p>\n

You can add extra virgin olive oil to your daily diet by using it as a salad dressing or as a replacement for your regular cooking oil.<\/p>\n


11. Coconut Oil<\/h2>\n

Coconut oil is known for having many health benefits. It can increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, also called good cholesterol, while lowering triglycerides, which are a type of fat in your blood that can cause liver and pancreas problems when found in very high levels.<\/p>\n

Coconut oil can also help you lose weight. The fats in this oil are mostly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which have been shown to help burn fat and suppress appetite.<\/p>\n

One study involving adding two tablespoons of coconut oil per day to their usual diet led obese male participants to lose an average of one inch from their waist. This was achieved without added physical activity or any other changes to their diet.<\/p>\n

Try adding two tablespoons of coconut oil per day to your diet to aid in burning fat. But start with just one teaspoon a day to avoid any digestive problems, then gradually increase your dosage.<\/p>\n


12. MCT Oil<\/h2>\n

Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCT, are a type of fat with a chain length of six to 12 carbon atoms. These partially man-made fats have a shorter structure, allowing the body to absorb them more rapidly. MCTs go straight to the liver where they can immediately be used for energy.<\/p>\n

Studies have shown that MCTs may increase your metabolic rate. In one of these studies, male participants burned an average of 120 extra calories per day by adding one to two tablespoons of MCT oil to their daily diet. Moreover, MCTs may also lessen your hunger and may help you retain your muscle mass during weight loss.<\/p>\n

If you are new to using MCT oil, start by replacing some of the fat in your daily diet with one tablespoon of MCT oil. Starting with a smaller dose can lessen potential side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea. Gradually increase your dosage until you reach two tablespoons a day to get the most of its fat-burning benefits.<\/p>\n


13. Avocados<\/h2>\n

Avocados have become a sort of a trend, particularly in the form of avocado toast. Because this fruit is loaded with nutrients, it is actually a trend worth following. Monounsaturated fats make this fruit a heart-friendly food that can help lower your cholesterol levels.<\/p>\n

Avocados have also been linked to trimmer waistlines and lower body mass index (BMI). They promote a feeling of fullness for a longer time after your meal. This may make you less likely to reach for snacks in between meals.<\/p>\n

If avocado toast is not your thing, you can enjoy this fruit in many other ways. Try eating it sprinkled with seasoning or drizzled with a little olive oil. You can also make guacamole, mix it into your salad, or use it as a substitute for mayonnaise as a binder ingredient. Avocadoes also make delicious smoothies that you can enjoy as a snack or meal substitute.<\/p>\n


14. Berries<\/h2>\n

When you are craving for a sweet treat, reach for some berries instead of a sugar-laden dessert. They have a lower sugar content compared to other fruits and are rich in antioxidants. They may also help lower your cholesterol and improve your resistance to insulin.<\/p>\n

Berries, particularly strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are loaded with pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber that helps make you feel fuller. You can choose from a variety of berries to enjoy as a filling snack or blend into a delicious smoothie.<\/p>\n


15. Quinoa<\/h2>\n

While it is often thought of as a grain, quinoa is actually a seed that is a popular substitute for rice and other grains for those who are trying to lose weight. It is much higher in insoluble fiber than most grains, promoting a feeling of fullness. This can help curb your appetite, which in turn may contribute to weight loss.<\/p>\n

Quinoa is also loaded with dietary fiber and protein, which may increase your metabolism and decrease your food cravings. Including quinoa in your diet can help you cut your calorie intake. There are many ways you can enjoy quinoa and it makes a much healthier substitute for white rice.<\/p>\n


16. Kefir<\/h2>\n

Kefir is a fermented drink traditionally made by adding kefir grains to cow’s milk or goat’s milk. It has a creamy consistency and a slightly sour flavor similar to Greek yogurt. In fact, it is considered to be a drinkable form of yogurt.<\/p>\n

The prebiotic drink promotes the growth of good bacteria in your gut, helping your body break down the food that you eat more efficiently. It is rich in protein that helps you feel fuller for a longer stretch of time.<\/p>\n

Because kefir can have side effects, particularly to those who are not used to probiotics, introduce it into your diet at a dose of no more than 100 mL a day. If you do not experience any side effects or if you have managed to overcome them, you can gradually increase your daily intake to around 200 to 300 mL a day.<\/p>\n

But if you really can not tolerate kefir, you can replace it with other fermented foods such as pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and tempeh to enjoy the same benefits.<\/p>\n


17. Nuts<\/h2>\n

Nuts are a superfood that should be a part of any healthy diet. They are rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, including some that can promote weight loss and burning of belly fat.<\/p>\n

Studies have shown that frequent consumption of nuts is linked with a lower body weight. In a particular study, one group of overweight or obese participants consumed a low-calorie diet supplemented with almonds. Another group were given the same low-calorie diet but without the nuts. After 24 weeks, the group who had almonds were found to have a significantly greater reduction in weight, BMI, waist circumference, and fat mass.<\/p>\n

Other studies suggest that consuming nuts may help increase the amount of calories your burn while you are at rest. However, results have not been conclusive and more studies are needed to prove this theory.<\/p>\n

Nuts can help lower your appetite and make you feel fuller for a longer time. Enjoy a handful for a quick and easy snack that will see you through until your next meal.<\/p>\n


18. Leafy Greens<\/h2>\n

Leafy greens are a very nutritious group of food that is known for numerous health benefits. Low in calories and carbohydrates, they make an excellent addition to your weight loss diet. You can eat more of these vegetables in a meal without worrying about increasing your calories.<\/p>\n

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are good for your body. They are also high in fiber, which can help you feel full for a longer time. Some of the leafy greens you could incorporate into your diet include spinach, kale, collard, and swiss chard.<\/p>\n


19. Oats<\/h2>\n

Oats make a good diet staple if you are trying to lose weight. These healthy carbs are considered to help boost your metabolism. They are also a great source of dietary fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer.<\/p>\n

An oatmeal breakfast is an excellent way to start your day, as long as you stick to plain oats with no added flavoring. If you want to sweeten your oatmeal, opt for healthy sweeteners such as banana puree or sugar-free applesauce. You can also customize its flavor with add-ins such as almond milk, cinnamon, cardamom and cayenne pepper. Fiber-rich berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries also make delicious toppings that provide added nutrients.<\/p>\n

But do not limit yourself to oatmeal. There are many other ways you can include oats in your diet such as blending them into your smoothie, making your own snack bars, adding them to your baked goodies, and turning them into a healthy dessert.<\/p>\n


20. Grapefruit<\/h2>\n

You may have heard of the grapefruit diet, which has been around longer than most fad diets. It dates back to the 1930s and comes in several variations.<\/p>\n

But while its proponents claim that the fruit can help burn off fat, there has not been much evidence that it actually has fat-burning properties. It does, however, make a nutritious addition to your weight loss diet. Eating half a grapefruit or drinking a glass of its juice before your meal may help fill you up, encouraging you to eat less during your actual meal.<\/p>\n


21. Banana<\/h2>\n

Another fruit that might not directly lead to weight los<\/a>s but makes a good addition to your diet is the banana. Bananas are high in fiber, which research links to lower body weight. Not only does fiber help lower and stabilize your blood sugar levels, it can also make you feel fuller for a longer time. This can contribute to reducing your appetite and may help you control your calorie intake.<\/p>\n

Eating bananas to aid in weight loss is best in the morning with your breakfast. But they also make a convenient and healthy snack should hunger strike in between meals.<\/p>\n

There are endless ways to prepare your diet plan with this list of fat-burning and appetite-suppressing foods. As long as you know what your best choices are, eating for weight loss can still be very satisfying.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Losing weight is not easy, especially if you love food. One of the things you need to commit to in the quest of getting in better shape is to watch what you eat. The good news is, even though you need to cut back on the bad calories, there is still plenty of the good […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":9,"featured_media":1965,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"image","meta":[],"categories":[7,3],"tags":[21,399,19,121],"yoast_head":"\n21 Fat-Burning And Appetite-Suppressing Foods To Help You Lose Weight<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Eating to lose weight doesn't mean depriving yourself of delicious meals. 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