A portly cat named Moses, who tips the scales at over double his ideal weight, has embarked on a unique journey to shed the pounds through swimming. His weight loss regimen at Avonvale Veterinary Centre in Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, is an innovative approach akin to hydrotherapy used by humans with joint issues or obesity to kickstart their fitness routines.
Weighing as much as a French bulldog, nine-year-old Moses had been resisting outdoor activities and exercise despite numerous diets implemented by his owner. This led to his significant weight gain. However, the veterinary staff at Avonvale report that Moses’s new aquatic exercise routine is progressing successfully.
“When he first came to us, Moses was nearly 10 kilograms (22 pounds),” said Olivia Stokes, a veterinary hydrotherapist. “His owner said he had been on diets and encouraged to exercise before, but he still hadn’t been able to lose weight.”
Faced with this challenge, Stokes and her team decided to try hydrotherapy. “I have been in the industry for five years and a qualified hydrotherapist for almost two years, and I have never experienced hydrotherapy with a cat before, so Moses was a first for me,” she explained.
Initially, Moses’s aversion to water posed a significant hurdle. Stokes attempted to entice him with toys and treats but eventually had to adopt a firmer approach. She started Moses on a moving treadmill without water, gradually introducing water over time.
“Now, Moses sits and waits on the treadmill for the water level to rise before starting his exercise,” Stokes noted. “Once he has been walking for 13 minutes, I then lift him up, raise the water level further, and swim him for a couple of minutes to give him a full-body workout.”
Moses’s regimen is already showing promising results. He has lost 2.2 pounds and is noticeably more active and energetic at home. “That’s a loss in body weight of almost four percent in about six weeks, which is perfect as we don’t want to lose the weight too quickly,” said Stokes. “The important thing is that his body shape is clearly changing as he loses fat and builds muscle.”
“I am very proud of Moses’s progression; he’s even walking with the incline on the treadmill now,” she added.
Moses’s owner, Jenna Joshi, is elated with his transformation. “I could see a difference almost straight away,” she recalled. “After his first hydro session, he came through the cat flap, which he hadn’t done in a long time.”
Joshi emphasized the ongoing nature of Moses’s weight loss journey. “We are still having regular weight checks, still doing hydrotherapy, and making good progress. It was difficult at first, but now he doesn’t complain and knows exactly what he needs to do when he goes for his sessions.”
The experience underscores the importance of proactive weight management in pets. While preventing obesity in animals by monitoring their food intake is ideal, Moses’s story shows that with determination and innovative approaches, even severely overweight pets can regain their health. Moses’s success is a testament to his strong will and the dedication of his owner and veterinary team.