
10 High Fiber Foods To Keep You Healthy And Full

3. Berries


Berries are well-known for their antioxidants, but they’re also high in fiber. A cup of fresh blueberries has about 4 grams of fiber, while a cup of frozen unsweetened blueberries contains nearly the same amount. Fiber is also abundant in blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries. One of the most significant advantages of berries is that they are naturally low in calories.

A berry is a tiny, pulpy fruit that is frequently edible. Berries are often juicy, spherical, vividly colored, sweet, sour, or acidic, and lack a stone or pit, however a large number of pips or seeds may be present. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, white currants, and blackcurrants are all common examples. Soft fruit is a horticulture word for such fruits in the United Kingdom.