
COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms

7. Runny Nose

Medical News Today

A runny nose does not always manifest in COVID-19 cases, but it has appeared often enough amongst COVID-19 patients that it is officially considered as an indicator of the possible existence of the SARS-CoV-2.  As mentioned previously in this article, one of the body’s natural immune system reactions to a pathogen is to create more mucous, which includes those in the nose, which then results to a runny nose.

Unfortunately, the many causes of a runny nose are difficult to differentiate.  Sometimes it’s an allergic reaction that takes too long to go away, sometimes it would be a less serious pathogen.  On its own, there is no way to ascertain if the runny nose is being caused by SARS-CoV-2.  However, when considered along with other signs and symptoms of COVID-19, a runny nose is one of the warning signs that would make checking with a doctor a necessity.

Take note that using medications for colds may make the runny nose stop, but it does not necessarily mean one has been cured or rid of the pathogen that caused the runny nose to begin with.  Again, if the runny nose occurs with the other signs and symptoms in this article, it would be important to check with a Medical Doctor.