
COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms

12.  Headaches

Harvard Health

Headaches are a common symptom that there is a disease in the body, regardless of the cause.  Even common colds sometimes come with headaches.  So does the more serious common flu.  Coronaviruses in general, the SARS-CoV-2 in particular, can cause headaches along with the nasal congestion, and sometimes along with the fever, or both. 

It is a known fact that sometimes a headache will occur even without a fever or nasal congestion, and yet for some unexplained reason the head hurts.  Sometimes an elevated blood pressure causes it, sometimes it’s because of eye-strain, or it could even be a stroke.  Regardless of the cause, a headache is an indicator that there is something wrong.  COVID-19 is a possibility, but this can be confirmed only by laboratory tests.  If headaches occur along with the other symptoms in this article, consider getting checked by a Medical Doctor.