
9 Signs Your Acid Reflux Is GERD

6. Chronic Cough

Medical News Today

One of the most prevalent reasons of a chronic cough is GERD. In fact, studies believe that GERD is to blame for nearly 25% of all chronic cough cases. The majority of people who have a GERD-induced cough don’t have traditional GERD symptoms like heartburn. Acid reflux or the reflux of nonacidic stomach contents can both induce chronic cough.

When a chronic cough occurs mostly at night or after a meal, while you’re lying down, and when other common causes aren’t present, such as smoking or taking medications (including ACE inhibitors) that cause coughing as a side effect, coughing without asthma or postnasal drip, or when chest X-rays are normal, GERD may be the cause.