Food, Health

21 Foods That Naturally Unclog Your Arteries

21. Whole Grains

Daily Council of California

Whole grains are one of the foods that are known for being good for your health. While refined grains are stripped of much of the natural nutrients, whole grains retain all three layers (bran, germ, and endosperm) that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This dietary fiber can help improve your blood cholesterol levels and protect you from heart disease. Studies have also found that consuming plenty of whole grains may lead to thinner carotid artery walls. If the foods that you eat, such as bread, pasta, and cereal, are available in whole grain and refined grain varieties, make sure to opt for the former.

Switching to a healthier diet can go a long way in preventing clogged arteries and other cardiovascular problems. While some foods should be avoided, there is still plenty to enjoy that can help clear your arteries and promote better overall health.