
14 Ways To Stop Snoring


We probably all know someone who snores. We might be snorers ourselves. This condition of noisy breathing while sleeping is pretty common, affecting around 90 million adults in America, with 37 million of those snoring regularly. People of all ages and genders can suffer from it, but risk factors include being male or overweight, having a narrow airway or nasal problems, drinking alcohol, or a family history of snoring. It can also get worse with age.

How exactly does snoring happen? The hoarse sound emitted while sleeping occurs when the tissues in your throat vibrate as air flows past them while you breathe. Oftentimes, it is associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is a sleep disorder. Snoring may be an occasional occurrence for many, but it can also be a chronic problem for some people. It may even be linked to a more serious health condition. In addition, it can be disturbing to the people you sleep with and may disrupt their sleep cycles.

If you suspect your snoring may be linked to something more serious or might need treatment, talk to your doctor about it. In the meantime, whether you are a chronic or occasional snorer, here are some steps you could take to stop it.