
14 Signs Of A Gallbladder Attack

13. Dark or tea-colored Urine


Urine that is dark in color is darker than urine that is normally straw to yellow in hue. Urine that is darker in color might range from brown to deep yellow to crimson. The kidneys are responsible for producing urine. When you drink or eat something, it travels through your digestive system, circulatory system, and kidneys, where it is filtered. Waste materials and excess fluid are subsequently excreted through the urine by the kidneys. The ureters link the kidneys and bladder. The urethra, the tube via which you urinate, empties the bladder of urine. Your urine should ideally be a light golden hue. This indicates that you are well hydrated. Urine contains yellow pigments known as urobilin or urochrome.

Dehydration is the most prevalent cause of dark urine. It might, however, be an indication that the body is circulating excessive, uncommon, or possibly toxic waste materials. Due to the presence of bile in the urine, dark brown urine may suggest liver illness. Urine that is bloody or crimson in hue might indicate a variety of medical issues, including kidney damage. It’s critical to visit a doctor if you’re experiencing these symptoms.