
10 Foods That Trigger Kidney Stones

6. Grits


Grits are a traditional Southern dish made from ground corn that can be sweet or savory, simple or complex. They can be eaten for breakfast, as a side dish for dinner, or as a main course, such as shrimp and grits. Grits are a simple dish with surprising nutritional benefits.Grits are made from dried, ground dent corn, which contains more starch than other types of corn. To make a creamy, porridge-like consistency, the ground corn is boiled with milk, water, or broth. The most basic way to eat grits is with butter and milk. They can, however, be served with cheeses, spices, sauces, vegetables, meat, and seafood. Grits, like oatmeal, come in a variety of flavors. Grits is a type of porridge made from boiled cornmeal. Hominy grits are grits made from hominy – corn that has been nixtamalized (treated with an alkali) and the pericarp (ovary wall) removed. As a breakfast dish, grits are frequently flavored with other ingredients. They can be savory or sweet, though savory seasonings are more common. The dish originated in the South but is now available throughout the country. Grits are frequently served as part of the dinner entrée shrimp and grits, which is popular in the South. Cooked hominy grits are called “hominy” in Charleston, South Carolina, and uncooked grits are called “grist.” The word “grits” is derived from the Old English word grytt, which means “coarse meal.”

To understand them better, first examine the anatomy of a grain. The hull (the tough, outer layer), bran (the next fiber-filled layer, which is high in B vitamins), endosperm (the starchy carbohydrate middle layer), and germ make up a whole grain kernel (the nutrient-packed core). While stone-ground grits contain all of the nutrients found in whole grains, the most commonly consumed grits are processed regular and instant grits. As a result, they contain less fiber, vitamins, and minerals. One cup of water-based instant grits contains 2 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein. In comparison, 1 cup of cooked rolled oats contains 4 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein. Enriched grits, like other fortified cereals, are a good source of iron, with one serving providing 100% of the recommended Daily Value. In the morning, combine them with fruit for maximum absorption—vitamin C aids in the absorption of plant-based iron. Grits are also high in B vitamins like niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and folate, which are found naturally in corn kernels or added back in after processing. B vitamins support the health of the metabolism, cells, and energy levels. Grits are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are beneficial to the eyes. Plain grits are also low in calories and fat by nature. However, if you are prone to kidney stones, you should remember to consume calcium at the same time as oxalate-rich foods like grits so that they can be passed through rather than the oxalates winding up in your kidneys.